Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Glorious Glop

During the dreadful, dreadful days after my little brother died, I remember a non-stop stream of pyrex serving dishes and bowls appearing in our kitchen, filled with mysterious gloppy deliciousness. All with the name of the Lady who had prepared them written on a piece of masking tape on the bottom so you’d know whom to return it to.
It’s all too easy to roll my eyes at most of my mother and her suburban sisters shenanigans, but I have to hand it to them, those gals knew how to whip up big tubs of comfort food during times of stress. Usually involving hamburger and noodles and cream-of-something soup, they could pull a family through just about anything and spare the befrazzled mommy from a trip to the store followed by a stint in the kitchen.
All of those women had a series of recipes at their fingertips suitable for sickrooms, trauma and funerals. In fact, I remember most of these dishes being called “funeral food.” And, of course, all of them had a ratings criteria for what emergency called for what dish. There were the standards that were good enough for not too close friends, the better ones a step up for family and people richer than you, and emergency ones that could be pulled together from ingredients at hand in the pantry (cue the Jello/fruit cocktail/Miracle Whip salad.) You know whole reputations were built on someone’s Tomato Fandango Surprise. And pity poor Velma and her universally despised Whole Wheat Mock Stroganoff.
Monday, April 26, 2010
From mrpeenee's Kitchen to Yours

Friday, April 23, 2010
Chemo Land
Monday, April 19, 2010
Wither Muscato?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Bad News
Thank you all very much for your concern about R Man. I know I’ve been too slack about keeping everyone up to date about what’s going on and I apologize. Here’s the news: R Man has non-small cell lung cancer. It is Stage 4, which is really, really bad. He starts chemotherapy next week, he has four rounds of it at three week intervals, after that his oncologist will determine how effective the treatment has been at reducing the size of the major tumor and possibly eliminating some of the smaller ones. The treatment is only supposed to prolong his life and keep him more comfortable; remission and cure are pretty much not possible. We went to our regular doctor this morning and he admitted R Man probably has less than a year to live.
R Man has been studying meditation for a while, which turns out to be very lucky, since now he can be all Buddhist-y and stuff. He’s very healthy and feels fine, so it’s hard to absorb all this. He remains stoic, I remain cranky. Same old same old. He plans to retire, probably at the end of April.
I’ll try to let you guys know what happens; I think probably there won’t be any dramatic changes for a while.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
mrpeenee's craptastic birthday

Monday, April 5, 2010
Born this day


Sunday, April 4, 2010
In Which We Rock Out
As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...

If you look below this post, you'll see that the last post I put up here on Blogger is a sniffy little tirade about how I will NEVER d...
Secret Agent Fred and I have decided to invade New Orleans for Mardi Gras, 2014. I know the last time I went there for Carnival, I swore I ...
Pictures of naked men have fascinated me for decades. It's not some recent freak that got my blog kicked off of WordPress (not that I...