I retired 11 years ago. That very idea makes me want to go lie down. Retirement is a sweet, sweet life; I recommend it highly. One of my favorite things about it was that I discovered I like to sleep during the day and stay up all night. My friends call it the Rock and Roll Vampire lifestyle. I typically go to bed about 6:00 a.m. and stagger into consciousness about 3:00 p.m. It works for me.
An excellent part of being both Rock and Roll and Vampire is that when I can't sleep (like this morning,) I can get up and go do something unlike the poor schmoes who have to sleep at night who can only lie in the dark trying to force themselves to fall asleep.
So this morning after 3 hours of not sleeping I gave up and trotted across the street to the charming Wooden Spoon cafe for breakfast.
Before I fall into the arms of Morpheus, I just want to mention what a lovely time I had last week with Diane von Austinburg here in town. We ate and cooked and ate and cooked. That's pretty much a summary of our visit. Diane is so sweet to put up with my odd sleeping schedule and other crotchets. She blows into town and I immediately announce "Delighted to have you here, see ya the next time I wake up." And she tolerates it. That's a good friend for you.
We also squeezed in a matinee of the Barbie movie. I liked it a lot, it was witty and breezy and pink. Very pink. I don't understand the people who have been wailing and whining about it being "anti-man." They must be incredibly fragile for that to be the takeaway. Buck up, girlene, that's what I say.
Men who may be pink but are certainly not fragile:
I'm pretty sure this is Blake Clunes, I'd recognize that ass anywhere.