Sunday, February 28, 2010
Fiasco for Lunch

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Cleaning Tips

Say you wake up in the middle of the night and really, really need to pee. What? These things don't happen to you? You were born under the sign of the Sleeping Camel? Fine, whatev. Say you're mrpeenee and you wake up in the middle of the night and you really, really need to pee. After not stumbling, but rather gliding like a sylph into the bath, you let fly and instead of the reassuring tinkle of water on water, you hear the much more ominous splash of water on wood. Wooden toilet seat, to be precise. And then you remember the cleaning ladies have been here again and they always, always put the lid down.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Poutine Madness

Since the World Series or the Suprabowl or whatever it is in Vancouver now has splattered all over the media, everybody is all about poutine, but mrpeenee already had it nailed because when it comes to junk food and gay porn, come to mrpeenee. Am I right?

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Movie Meme
The Cool Cookie over at Doing Hard Times in Shaker Heights not only tagged me, but sent in a reminder nagging me to get to it and including the astonishing sentence: “My last thought, tomorrow, when they knock me out for the gallbladder operation will be ‘I wonder if Peenee has whipped it out, yet...’ ” which wins the Jewish Mother Don’tMindMeI’llJustSitHereInTheDark Guilt Award for 2010. Yes, it does seem sort of an extreme method of getting me to finish, but whatever works.
Here’s the rules, even though I’m sure you’ve seen them on everyone else’s blog: “Share three classic movie moments that have, in some shape or form, made you buy things, do things, think things that perhaps you shouldn't have.” And speaking of other blogs, have you seen what this meme has turned up? Amazing the things people will admit to seeing, up to, and including Adventures in Babysitting.
For my turn, I’ll go ahead and admit my most significant movies are all porn. Really, is anyone surprised? Man on man adventures whose “dialogue” includes the line “I’m here to see about your plumbing,” never fail to thrill me. My three classics:
Hawaiian Heat introduced me to a star whose charms still fill my firmament and firm my fillment. Mike Betts. Mmms. So manly and beeyootiful and sullen.

The Road Home (which is also the name of some funky post Katrina New Orleans recovery effort) is notable not just because it stars the luscious Todd Gibbs, a ginger whose skin is so white it seems transluscent, but also because it includes a scene wherein old time megastar Ryan Idol portrays a priest to whom Gibbs turns for confession. Idol forces Gibbs to recount all kinds of shenanigans he’s been forced to submit to while Idol spanks his own monkey on the other side of the confessional screen. Thrilling.

The Scorpion King. Oh, it’s not gay porn? I beg to differ. If ever a camera lingered lovingly on giant man titties, enormous thighs of death, and booty, booty, booty, it’s this one. Short of The Rock actually taking a double headed dildo up his poop chute, I can’t imagine how it could get any gayer.

I know I’m supposed to pass the meme along now but a) the last time I did I got nothing but grief from all the recipients and b) no one is left. Everyone has already been tagged with this. So let’s just whisper a quick “Rest in Peace” and let it go.
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Room and Bored

Monday, February 15, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Oh dear. Yet another giant among us has passed. Walter Morrison, who invented the Frisbee, has kicked it. Frisbees are much beloved as sports alternatives by those of us so very be-sissified that we are completely incapable of throwing a ball.
Mrpeenee has a personal interest in the fine Frisbee; I am the only person in universe who has ever been injured by one. I was smacked in the nose by a special Glow-in-the-dark one and the tip of my nose broke off. I’m not making this up, I don’t have to. To this day, I have a little gobbet of cartilage floating under the skin right at the very end of my schnoz, ruining its delicate line and giving me a decided hook to the starboard.
I wonder if it’s too late to sue?
Monday, February 8, 2010
Super Bowl Has Nothing to Do with Bowling. Who Knew?
So, did you know the Superbowl was Sunday? Yeah. Turns out it’s this “football” thing and a bunch of guys from New Orleans

(not these guys) beat some other guys. I think. But it would appear there weren’t any strippers at the halftime show so everybody was bummed.
Be sure to tune into mrpeenee for all your sports news needs. Coming soon, “Baseball: Is that the Big Round One or the Little Round One?”
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Also, speaking of size queens, and wondering if it’s too damn big, I stole this from Kevin, over at The Lisp.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Q, G. What's the Real Difference?
I think it must be the collision between my extreme myopia and my world-view that causes me to so frequently look at a website new to me and see the well-known acronym “FAQS” as “FAGS.” Is it a special button for me and my tribe, or is it a link to naughty photos of houseboys cavorting together?
Imagine my disappointment.
Compare and contrast.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
mrpeenee versus The Man

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Mommy Mobsters

Monday, February 1, 2010
My Brain is Too Small. Yep.
I had a big crush on Billy Herrington during the Clinton administration, but hadn't really thought much about him since. I recently found out he is a huge phenomenon in Asia. Why ask why? Still, if their freaky little obsession can generate this, it's ok with me.
In Which We Rock Out
As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...

If you look below this post, you'll see that the last post I put up here on Blogger is a sniffy little tirade about how I will NEVER d...
Secret Agent Fred and I have decided to invade New Orleans for Mardi Gras, 2014. I know the last time I went there for Carnival, I swore I ...
Pictures of naked men have fascinated me for decades. It's not some recent freak that got my blog kicked off of WordPress (not that I...