I had a terrible nightmare last night. I dreamed I was living in a huge, blandly 70s condo complex. But wait, there's more, because the ceilings were exposed planks and the carpets were "textured" polyester and both were a sort of shrimp pink. Just ghastly. I think I woke sobbing.
Also, last week I had a dream where I found a baby in one of those elaborate car carrier seats in front of my house on the sidewalk and that therefore I would have to raise it and be responsible for the little snot machine. Annoyingly, I would realize that I could turn it over to Child Protective Services, but then I would forget and go back to worrying about being stuck with a brat in a car seat that didn't match my car. I kept thinking "I don't want a kid. I don't want to be one of Those Gays." Again, sobbing.
I got to stop eating doughnuts before going to bed.