Thursday, December 31, 2009
Whining Warning: Get Over It.
So anyway, my scoliosis has gotten worse and my discs are degenerative (Please, no degenerate jokes. MJ, I am talking to you.) The up side is that when I took these xrays to my doctor to demand more vicodin, scrips started flying, baby. Woo hoo, score. He also sent me off to the Spine Center and the UCSF Pain Center. I am very centered. Both centers had all sorts of fascinating insights: I have a rib that "Doesn't move right" which causes me one whole subset of grief; my extreme double jointedness, which I always thought was sort of cool turns out to be another problem; and the Spine Center doctor recommended rubbing peppermint oil on my nose. It's supposed to block the pain. I wanted to point out vicodin does that too, but I was distracted by thinking about the xray tech and never got around to it.
All of this leads to more drugs, physical therapy, peppermint oil for christ sakes, and blah, blah, blah. I've been down this path plenty of times in the last twenty years as my back has gotten worse, and all I really wanted was the more drugs part, but I'm willing to pretend to be a good sport and follow their advice. Even the peppermint oil.
Oh, also, speaking of cute technicians, there was this extremely humpy nurse at the Spine Center who refused to make eye contact with me while I was stuck out in a corridor waiting for something or the other (probably peppermint oil) and who eventually fled into another office and SHUT THE DOOR. Pussy. He looked a lot like this, but, tragically, in more clothes:
Please expect sporadic posts as long as the vicodin holds out. Coherency has never been my strong point and now I'm loaded. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Miss Neely O'Hara
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas Passed
The next day was a little something we like to call "Christmas." Maybe you've heard of it? While everyone else was snoring away at visions of sugar plums, I got up and made Spice Applesauce Muffins and then served them with tea in bed.Don't you wish you were married to me? Yeah, sometimes I wish I was married to me, too.
And then, PRESENTS:
Including the present that had been transported to the floor sometime during the night.No one is pointing any fingers, but I have my suspects.
Suspect A: j' accuse.
Gifties were a big hit. I got lavender argyles, hoo hoo.
Urban Street Pirate thought we had given him a stole. I considered explaining it was, in fact, a largish bath mat, but decided to leave him his sad little dreams.Besides, I think he looks good in it. If you see him out at the bars tonight, be sure to compliment on it.
I gave R Man a netsuke shelf. Saki dug it. Shades of old, prissy poofs in Tilling, we have turned into E.F. Benson's Georgie. Someone shoot me. Please.
I also found a totally cool picture frame at a consignment store,so I went out to Ocean Beach, shot some random pictures and blew one up for it as another R Man present. He likes, but then again, it's all about the frame.
In my post about the new color in the dining room, that sharp-eyed minx, Diane von Austinberg, demanded to know what we were putting in the living room where the astronaut picture had been. Zip it sister, I wanted to snap, it's a secret. Well, now the truth can be told. R Man's christmas present is up on the wall where the astronauts lived so happily for so long.And then Christmas was over. How was yours?
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Paper Tiger
As it is, R Man and I have a vast collection of wrapping material going back to when we first got together in New Orleans, and we've lived here in San Francisco for 21 years. Pictures of our Christmas mornings show us growing grayer, but the pile of gifts looks like it never changes. Only our jammies evolve.
This year, though, I was just a wild man and actually went out and bought new paper. You can do that, you know. I was standing in Walgreens looking at their pitiful selection (and why in one of the few times in two decades that I've bought paper I wound up there is just one of those Christmas mysteries) when I was struck by a particularly gay roll. I couldn't decide if the decorations were martini olives or billiard balls, but amidst all the insipid Santas and holly, its cheeky humor appealed to me mightily.
And then, like one of those trick pictures with blurs that resolve into dolphins or cats or lesbians when you look at it the right way, I suddenly realized it was just tree ornaments. How disappointing, but I got it anyway. I plan on sticking with my claim that it's olives. As you can see:
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Mall. Dear God. The Mall.
So, that finds me this afternoon in Bloomingdale's, the nadir of a man's shopping experience. All I wanted was some shirts for R Man, but no, that's asking too much. I picked over racks of crappy, really expensive schmata that couldn't have announced more clearly its origin in slave labor sweatshops if it had a logo consisting of shackles and whip. All of it trying so very hard to be so very hip and failing miserably and all of it apparently targeted towards skateboarding suburban boys with mommy's credit card. And why on earth would that market be in Bloomingdale's? Even I, in my failing decripitude, could find a hipper store than that without breaking a sweat. The whole place seems to be shrieking "Weren't the 80s a bitchin' decade?" Well yes, but time to move on, darling, move on. And so I did, fleeing to the mall outside and running straight into a lounge area filled with middle aged guys parked there by their wives. I'm sure their glazed, bitter expressions mirrored my own. For an instant I was sorry not to have been straight, so I could have sent the little Missus off handling the shopping while I sat glumly thinking about porn. But then I remembered, you know, vaginas and all that. I decided it isn't worth it.
So here is the statement that truly reveals the depths of my stodgienss: "Thank god for the Docker's store." Well, it's better than Walgreen's.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
New Paint
Anyway, our salon before, at some long gone Thanksgiving, complete with turkey, beer and wine. Lots of wine.
and now
We also scored a new little cabinet and lamp for an awkward spot between two big windows that does quite well. The chest is lacquered over rice paper with the history of the Han dynasty printed on it and the lamp has little carved Jade panels set in it. Lovely.
I keep meaning to post this shot of a house out by the beach that I'm wild for. While the phrase "California beach" brings to mind blue skies and sun-kissed muscley surfer boys, the beach here is usually foggy and grey. Although there are surfer boys, thank heavens. So this little blast of garishly saturated color out there is always most welcome.
Gratuitous surfer boy.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Spam. A Lot.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Ugly Hats. Loaded Santas. Tis the Season.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Oh chiclets, I’m sure from time to time you ask yourselves “What of Kallipygos?” Worry no more, my impertinent ladyboys, because mrpeenee™ is here to explain Kallipygos is of ancient Greek origin meaning “Beautifully Buttocked.” Or in the vulgate, “Baby Got Back.”
“Well, duh,” goes up the cry of the legion of excessively educated mrpeenee™ fans. “Obviously that’s what it means. Everyone knows that. But where does it come from? Whence, baby, whence?”
I was just getting there, if you could just keep grasp of your knickers. Setting aside the question of whether buttocked is actually a verb (apparently it was in ancient Greece. Is there any surprise there?) our good friends at Wikipedia supply us with this charming origin tale:
"The people of those days were so attached to their sensual pleasures that they even went so far as to dedicate a temple to Aphrodite of the Beautiful Buttocks, for the following reason. Once upon a time a farmer had two beautiful daughters. One day these girls, getting into a dispute as to which one had a more beautiful backside,[5] went out onto the public street. And by chance a young man was passing by, the son of a rich old man. They showed themselves to him, and when he saw them he voted in favor of the older girl. And in fact, falling in love with her,[6] when he got back to town, he took to his bed and told his younger brother everything that had happened. And the younger brother also went to the country and saw the girls, and he fell in love with the other daughter. And so when the boys' father tried to get them to marry someone of the upper classes, he couldn't persuade his sons, and so he brought the girls in from the country, with their father's permission, and married them to his sons. And so these girls were called fair-buttocked[7] by the citizens, as Cercidas of Megalopolis says in his Iambic Verses: "There was a pair of beautiful-buttocked girls[8] in Syracuse." And so these girls, when they got wealthy and famous, founded a temple of Aphrodite[9] and called the goddess the Fair-buttocked,[10] as Archelaus of Chersonesus tells us in his Iambic Verses."[11]
Isn’t that the most charming thing you’ve heard today? No? Well, in that case, you have much too colorful a life. Personally, I think the world would be a better place if young ladies were still to indulge in spontaneous, public ass contests. I imagine the scene as two chicas hanging out, arguing so hard about who has the best buttchops that they have to accost a perfect stranger for his opinion.
First Girl: Yo, buddy, help a sister out. Tell us who has the best ass.
Passing gentleman: I beg your pardon?
Second Girl: Just take a look and tell us which booty you like best. Get a load of this: firm, high and round. Looks like the moon made out of candy.
First Girl: Yeah, it’s not bad, but I got a rump cleft that makes men weep.
Passing gentleman: I’m not sure…. Maybe if I fondled them vigorously and simultaneously….
First Girl: Well make it snappy, we got goats to milk.
Passing Gentleman: Hmm, I think I’m going to have to go to my tongueometer.
Face it, the world is a lesser place since the passing of the ancient Greeks. Even Gerald Butler all tarted up as a Spartan love dog in that 300 movie although finer than fine, was not enough to make up for the death of Ass Olympics.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Sport of Queens
While we had the dining room torn up. we had to move dinners into the living room and discovered we quite like it. The room is long and narrow, and the far end where we have a wall of bookcases had inherited a couple of ugly arm chairs that served their purpose, but never did much for the looks:It was all rather Barbara Pym's Home for Unwanted Furniture. Once we shoved a charming black game table that's been floating around looking for a place to settle down there and starting have meals off it, we realized it would be a wonderful alternative to the dining room.
We agreed some traditional Louis XVI dining chairs with arms would be just the thing. We could pull them away from the table for casual seats and use them at table for chow time. I decided to hit the thrift stores on Saturday on the hunt, knowing that you never, NEVER find what you're looking for when you have something specific in mind, but figured I needed to start someplace.
The first store I sailed into, a consignment store on Polk St. had these dazzling contemporary white leather chairs, bam, right in the front.
The first things I saw. Totally not what I was looking for, totally irresistible. Demonstrating how very meant-to-be it was, R Man was across the street; I called him, he loved them, we sprang $300 for the pair (a steal) they fit in the car (with Urban Street Pirate, R Man and Me squashed in the front) and suddenly we have a new dining experience. It had to be the only shopping experience I've ever had that was easier than Costco.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Back on Back
Just in Time
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Mrpeenee Goes Back to School
In Which We Review
It's been a great year so far hasn't it? We've been reveling in cool sunny days, definitive California winter weather. And I...
Secret Agent Fred and I have decided to invade New Orleans for Mardi Gras, 2014. I know the last time I went there for Carnival, I swore I ...
Pictures of naked men have fascinated me for decades. It's not some recent freak that got my blog kicked off of WordPress (not that I...
If you look below this post, you'll see that the last post I put up here on Blogger is a sniffy little tirade about how I will NEVER d...