Saturday, August 28, 2010


Our dearest friend, Diane von Austnburg, will be coming in for a visit Sunday morning for a week. Her visits here are a great treat. We'll cook and gad about restaurants, tear up the thrift store selections and play Boggle till hell won't have it. We're just a couple of wild cats, I tell ya. She has very kindly offered to help out with R Man, but mostly I plan on being entertained.


  1. I so totally wish I could be there with you kids! Hugs to you all!!!

  2. Ooo...sounds like fun! I hope you fit some thrift storing in there.
    Or is that thrift whoring?

  3. I know how much fun you have when Diane visits. So take pictures of alleged thrift store activity.

  4. Miss J knows a wonderful time will be had by all. Tear it UP!

  5. If you two argue over a fabulous item, just agree to buy it and send it to me. I do what I can. much loves to the mens - kabuki

  6. There is nothing--nothing! I tell ya--as wonderful as spending time with old friends.
    You two behave yourselves, now...don't go overboard on the Boggle!

  7. FRESNO?? Frankly I do like San Francisco just a bit. Besides why Fresno when you can have a blast in Modesto.

  8. tasting country...just don't drink and drive...and things will go well...

  9. I hope, in addition to playing Boggle, you played some Boogie!

    I'm a Cribbage gal myself.

    What'dja buy!

  10. Friends who entertain in one way or another are the best friends to have!


In Which We Wrestle with Technology

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