Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Super Agent Fred and I are off to Vermont tomorrow. Have you heard of Vermont? I understand it's this adorable little state, popular with lesbians and cheese enthusiasts. And then, at the other end of the spectrum, I'm going to visit my father in the old folks' home he just moved into in Houston. Whee. In fact, Super whee.

In unrelated news, the woman who trims the nails of Saki, my Evil and Adorable Cat, warmly recommended giving him a bath the last time we went in for is pedicure. A cat. A bath. A catbath. Doesn't that just seem to be asking for trouble. After all, Saki barely tolerates going in to have his razorlike talons nipped down. I'm sure washing him off would only lead to sulking and cat turds in my bed. We have filed this under "Ideas, Bad."

Here's a good idea:


  1. Safe travels. Don't talk to strangers until you are compelled to do so. Write when you find work.

    And why is it you are going to Vermont???

  2. Marvelous idea... Beats bathing a pussy any day... Believe me! I speak the truth!

  3. Let Saki's mani/pedi lady b-a-t-h-e him while you're gone. Plan to arrive back home about 2 days after the blood has congealed. Be sure to bring Saki some white Cheddar from Vermont to make amends and make sure he thinks it was the late main/pedi lady's idea.

    Be safe during your travels, and remind your dad to be safe too. I'm sure you don't want him knocking up one of those old broads at the home. . . .;-)

  4. ah, a foliage trip....lovely. i did that once. met a young boy names sheldon. he too had lovely foliage.

  5. Adore the description of Vermont. So apt!

  6. Vermont. Home of cheesy lesbians?

    Catbath? Well, I never.

    But if that's a picture of your "cat" I could modify my thinking!

  7. Call if you need moral support.

  8. get kabuki some maple syrup, in case we have pancakes at the airport when you land. it.could.happen.

  9. Mmmm...make sure to cover him in maple syrup and butter.

    Have fun up there...and over there too.

  10. Maple syrup and Speedos. An interesting concept. Jx

  11. Wet pussy.

    Not the sort of thing you expect to read about on this blog.


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...