Tuesday, October 22, 2013

News from Austin.

I'm hiding out at Diane VonAustinberg's for a few days as part of my 2013 World Peace and Enchilada Tour, which will also include a flying visit to my family in Houston and a longer one to New Orleans as a reward for putting up with the flying monkeys that comprise my beloved relatives.

Diane is,of course, the consumate hostess, aside from trying to kill me on her treadmill by luring me up on it backwards, like some crazed OK Go video.*  We had delicious Mexican food tonight and look forward to tearing it up in various thrift shops tomorrow.  The thrill of other people's discarded crap!

*DVonA says:  I did nothing to lure Mr. P onto the treadmill ("I'm really getting quite good at this" he says, just before slipping off the end. "Except now I'm sort of dizzy.").  I have done nothing but give him excellent directions to my house, which he ignored and which resulted in him taking an hour-long tour of the Texas hill country. Now, back to Mr. P.

Lies, all lies.  Although I am sort of dizzy.  Maybe I should go lay down.  Also, when I demanded candy to assist in the creative process, Diane denied having any and offered dried apples instead.  How am I supposed to sling wit and wisdom with dried up apples?

Possibly more travel bulletins as they occur.


  1. I expect Saki welcomes the peace and quiet.

    1. Saki is terrorizing Secret Agent Fred while I'm gone, probably making hostage demands for a nuclear device.

  2. How great would it be if there were a thrift Store with a Mexican Restaurant *in* it?!

    on second thought....um....scratch that.

  3. dried apples, is that a seasonal texas delicacy? ack

  4. I would like to make it clear that Mr. P STOLE MY IDENTITY and that the above comments that claim to be from me are actually his.

    Dried apples: purchased in desperation at the airport a couple of months ago and then snagged out of my pantry by the aforementioned Mr. P. See "desperation" in previous sentence.

  5. Stealing your identity TODAY, stealing your undergarments and cosmetics TOMORROW.

    1. She offered to let me try on her hats, but we ran out of time.

  6. The hats await your return. As do I.

  7. Don't let him try on your shoes, Diane.

    Have you SEEN the size of his feet?!


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...