Thursday, February 6, 2014

Things That Lead from One to Another in mrpeenee's Universe

This is one of the driest winters in California history.  Finally, this evening a smallish storm has rolled in and I opened the windows to revel in the pattering, got distracted by the internet and just now realized the house is filed with the pungent aroma of skunk.  What the hell, skunk?  You don't have anything better to do than wander around on the only rainy night this year stinking the place up?  Stupid dumb skunk.

While I was lost in the wonders of the world wide web, I stumbled across a series of references to what many authors claimed were the worst movies ever made, movies worse than the Lindsay Lohen oeuvre, a series by some schmoe named David DeCoteau. The series is called "1313."  I have no idea why they're considered a "series," they seem to have no discernible relation to each other except that the main feature of each is a bunch of attractive young men running around in their underpants.  Sounds good to me.

Here's the trailer from my favorite

Is that great or what?  Plus you know from the trailer that the movie is so bad that you don't need to waste any time actually watching it.  The trailer is sufficient unto itself.

Amazingly, one of the panty bitches was Corey Monteith.  Perhaprs you remember this Monteith person, he's the guy who OD'ed last year.  I only remember it because all the news outlets were slobbering so much about it at the time.  In researching semi-naked men of the 1313 world, I discovered I had completely mistaken just who Corey Monteith is.  Was.

This is Corey Monteith.  He's dead.

This is not Corey Monteith.  He's not dead, but he is who I've been thinking was Monteith all this time. What do you know?

But then I also ran across this, which actually looks funny.

It's on my list.


  1. I think of you as my new Siskel...or is it Ebert....oh well, I'll just call you Stinky.

  2. Gee, if you think the pungent odor of skunk is bad, imagine what the pungent odor of boys running around in underpants is like.

    I know I'm imagining it.

    1. I'm remembering it, but then, I led a very colorful life before my retirement as a widow lady.

  3. Pepé Le Pew! mon cheri. We don't have such creatures here, thank goodness, so I can only imagine what they smell like.

    1. Ugh. They smell like burning rubber mixed with something that's been in a hobo's shoe for a fees months.


In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...