Sunday, October 26, 2014

I am Ashamed. Sort Of.

The ever urbane Muscato from Cafe Muscato describes an afternoon swanning about Vienna and then asks what the rest of us lesser mortals did lately for amusement.  I bought a suede coat and a pair of giant blue and white porcelain vases; got trapped in a clusterfuck of traffic because of this World Series thing here for an hour and a half and then leaned out of my car window and spat on a limo that was causing a bottleneck on the only escape route out of downtown San Francisco.

Even as I let loose, I wondered who on earth I had become.  I may have launched originally from Texas, but I've been a Lady for years now.  Nevertheless, the limo's passenger's look of horror was immensely gratifying.

I may have been watching a little too much American Horror Story lately.


  1. Oh dear. The only proper way is to have ones manservant to spit on the offending limousine.
    That's what I think I read in Emily Post once.

    1. Ms Post would have had her shiv out and ready by the time she put up with what I had.

  2. I think the proper thing would have been to introduce yourself first, then spit. A nice thank you note stating that you would love to spit on them again.

    1. Sweetie, it's San Francisco. One never offers to see anyone again, it's like recycling kleenex.

  3. I absolutely cannot imagine you doing this. Fred, on the other hand . . . .

    1. Oh, please. The suede coat, on the other hand, turned out to be too big. Where were you when I needed you?

    2. Be careful when you say things like that; you could find me permanently in residence.

  4. I expect people gob out greenies in Vienna, too. It's just that Muscato is too genteel to blog about it.

    It's endemic in Miami, too, it seems...


    1. Yeah, but I wasn't "unburdening myself" as the Miami writer phrased it so delicately. I was making a point, a gesture, a gesture which translates as "Take that, bitch."

  5. I once spat on a BMW. I felt very satisfied afterwards

    1. Right? Embracing the thug life occasionally is so liberating.

  6. Spitting on a limousine is now considered rude? San Franciscee sure sounds highfalutin these days.


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