Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Out with Friends

Secret Agent Fred and I went out for drinks and, eventually, pizza with longtime mrpeenee commenter Salty Miss Jill the other night.  She had blown in from the big city and I was delighted to meet her: she is both salty and sweet and I like meeting the people who bestir themselves to comment here.  It makes their sassy insolence seem more heartfelt.  Plus did I mention she was charming?  We wound up in the bar for a couple of hours talking blogger talk.  SMJ has allowed her blog to fall fallow and I was encouraging her to hit the keyboard once again.  I think there are just never enough amusing bloggers out there.  How else am I supposed to waste my time?

Also, she revealed that she had a waitressing past with teeny-tiny pornster Samuel Colt, which I think alone requires extensive blog coverage.


  1. Glad you two connected. I hope we can meet in the future.

    1. I know, we should get together. I'm not a snob about being seen in the Mission.

    2. That would be great.And the Mission is now the new Pacific Heights/Park Avenue of San Francisco.

  2. All the charm spoken of was merely a reflection of Mr. Peenee and Secret Agent Fred! What a pity we don't live in the same place...oh, the trouble we'd get into! As for the resurrection of my blog...thank you for the kind encouragement. I'll wait til the next time I'm drunk.

    1. Get on it girl. I'm telling you, your life is one big blog material.

  3. a waitressing past with teeny-tiny pornster Samuel Colt

    who was serving who?

  4. OMG I am SO jealous.
    I just hope I get to meet her one day too.
    Oh, and Salty Miss Jill too!

    1. Jill said he was short. I picture him as a sexy bobble head doll.

    2. Oh, as far as I can tell, they're all short. I've never really recovered from discovering that I was a good two inches taller (if only taller and in no other way, alas) than Jack Wrangler.

  5. He certainly had a big screen presence.

  6. I look forward to drinks and dinner with you and Fred in but a few weeks. I'll see if I can round up a porn star, but don't hold your breath. SMJ seems to have the advantage on this one.

  7. I'm jealous of both of you for far too many reasons!

  8. And speaking of friends: would you check your email? (Also, Anonymous above is SO barking up the wrong tree here!)

  9. An addendum...we wished you all were there with us, each and every one of you...except for Anonymous. Also...I'm not certain where Peenee got the notion that I waitressed with Mr. Colt (it was all them cocktails, I'm sure), but a girl can dream. (To clarify, Lil' Sammy was spotted a number of times in Chelsea by a friend of mine at various bodegas.) Also...still waiting for that Secret Agent Fred to add me to his list on Facebook. (I go by Jay Dombrowski).
    Been missing you since I met you, Peenee! Again, soon! And you're all invited!


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...