Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bowls of Our Lives

Perhaps you remember the slattern in our office I mentioned earlier who kept leaving her dirty oatmeal bowl and spoon in the sink here. One evening working late, I took matters into my capable hands and threw the nasty things away. What? You thought I was going to wash them for the slut? Not likely.

It’s been a great relief to me that she hasn’t returned to her unpalatable ways. Either she got the message or she’s too cheap to replace them. I figure they must have set her back two, three bucks at one of the finer 7-11s.

I hope we have all learned an important lesson from this.

Houseboy Gunter Gladdeus hopes so, too.


In Which Flights of Angels, Baby, Flights of Angels

  When an old friend dies, they take with them all the shared vocabulary and jokes you had.  Secret Agent Fred died Wednesday afternoon.  We...