Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Soon We Will be Five

Yes, it's true, in a couple of weeks, my blog will be five years old.  I am no less amazed than you are horrified.

In honor of the event, I'm planning a virtual drag show and wanted to invite all you, my little minions,  to showcase your talents, however slight they may be.  Freely swiping an idea of MJ, I'm putting together a contest.  All you have to do is troll the internet for some photo (headshot, action shot, glamour shot, mugshot, it doesn't matter) that really shows your inner temptress and send it, along with your drag name and whatever top tune you'll be butchering to mr pee nee at yahoo.com  (take the spaces out, silly.) by July 24.

You go girl.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I believe the traditional 5th anniversary gift is Wood.
    But I'm sure you have plenty of that with the houseboys.
    At least I hope so.

    Congrats in advance!

  3. and i just put all my make-up away.

    1. I just pull into the closest automotive body repair shop and tell 'em "Hit it boys." Works out to be so much cheaper than Lancombe.

  4. you must have been a child when you started your blog. what a handful you are. keep up the delightful work

    1. kabuki, just when and how did you get a handful of Mr. P??? And, what part of Mr. Peenee made up that handful?? (Yes, we know what he'd like you to say, but be honest. If that handful was his left calf muscle, say so.)

  5. How do we send it? I have the perfect picture of me. Halloween, 1994.

  6. Congratulations on 5! My submission (that sounds wrong somehow, but let it stand) is winging its way to you via the electronic mails!


In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...