Saturday, December 13, 2014

In Which mrpeenee Returns

Cause mrpeenee likes to be stylin' when he's suffering through airport purgatory.

People of Earth, I know what very few posts I am able to scratch up here have lately turned into two flavors:

  • I'm going to New Orleans
  • I just got back from New Orleans.

This time I just skipped the "I'm going to New Orleans" part and I'm here to report I'm back.  Surely you missed me.  And was the old place charming as ever?  Why yes, yes it was.  Thanks for asking.  I had a great deal (possibly excessive) of deliciousness, including duck gumbo at a fancy place and shrimp remoulade at a decidedly not fancy place dear to my evil little heart.

I also got to hang out in a bar called Lafitte's for their Tired Old Disco Night with Jason from Night is Half Gone.  Too fabulous, I only wish you could have been there.  The old darling really is charming, you know.  He assures us all the miscreants he teaches are wild for Beowulf this semester.  I'm skeptical, but he swears it.

He and I are were able to impress Secret Agent Fred with our in-depth knowledge of the song One Night in Bangkok.  I thought everyone knew it was from some odd Broadway musical named Chess about a real chess tournament held, logically, in Bangkok and written by the ABBA guys.  Didn't you?

Fred brought along his boyfriend (yes, it's true, he's off the market.  Sorry.) who's very fond of a snort or two so when Fred got bored standing around my house there watching me enthuse over drywall installation, I could send them off for drinkies and everyone was happy.

I particularly was happy because, at long last, drywall has been hung and you can now actually see the shape and size of the rooms.  Big, big yay.


After, with the new exterior paint and the dumpster box out front which has apparently become a neighborhood fixture.

The back rooms before all the walls were ripped out to make one huge ass room.

Huge ass room
Huge ass ceiling of huge ass room.  And get off that beam, I paid too much for you to use it as a catwalk.


  1. it's looks really fabulous darling, congratulations!
    i knew you could & would do it.

    1. Thanks ever so sweetie. I'm happy to take credit when I have done none of the work. But they were all my genius ideas.

    2. you must know that famous slogan.....
      when "peenee" signs the cheques, "peenee" takes the credit.

    3. I didn't know that slogan, but it's mine now.

  2. Darling, that is going to be spectacular! And yes, you were missed. XOXO

    1. As Dorothy Parker said "I hate writing, I love having written."

    2. Whenever you're completely moved in, Jessica and I will DEFINITELY be down for a visit! Consider yourself warned.

  3. The house is looking amazing; even the dumpster!

    1. apparently all my neighbors are fond of it too, either adding to its contents or mining it for treasure.

  4. Congratulations, mrpeenee.

    Your vision has come to fruition in spectacular form; your great room looks to be most photogenic. I imagine you have a bucolic wonder planned for the yard (with gardeners in loincloths?).

    1. the garden is going to be a salute to tried and true New Orleans stalwarts. The gardener is my old friend Cow Queen and we've all seen enough of him as it is, but I'll pass along your costume suggestion.

  5. Tear down that Bitch of a bearing wall and put a window were a window ought to be. Yes, designing is a hoot and addictive. Love a hugeass room!

  6. It's looking sensational! This time next year, I can just see you hosting a holiday festive and carol sing-along for all the miscreants Jason teaches, and won't that be fun!

  7. I hope there will be some sordid tales from the "Tired Old Disco Night" after-party Chez Peenee... That beam looks just right for swinging from. Jx

  8. I love what you have done to the outside, looks much more open and inviting with the railings removed. Where are the servants quarters and is that a portaloo I spy behind the skip?

    1. Oh, those awful old railings, I hated them and kept threatening to remove them by kicking them

      I may keep the toilet as an art piece.

  9. I'm impressed. Hope it all keeps on going well, fingers crossed.

  10. Those pictures do not do it justice, I'm afraid.
    It's so much more majestic in person!
    The house too.

  11. You'll cuss yourself about the railings the next time you come home all liquored up and try to get up those stairs darling

  12. You're back, rejoice!
    And I just love what you've done with the place.

    1. Oh, this old thing? And thanks about the house remarks, too.

  13. It's a fantastic remodel and a nice choice on the huge ass room. I'm wondering how you are planning to split your time between the two residences and is this going to eventually be your main home? People tend to come back to the Gulf Coast you know...


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...