Saturday, September 9, 2023

In Which We Take a Walk


Because I have AIDS, I go to the doctor every 6 months just to check to see if the meds I take are working (spoiler alert: they always work.) Since my treatment is not going to provide any drama, I have to make my own and to do that, I turn to burning off the sun damage on my skin. My childhood as a fair-skinned idiot in the subtropical hothouse that is the Gulf Coast of Texas, means that I got plenty of damage to work with.

The damage has resulted in actinic keratosis, a fancy name for bumps.  My doctor daubs liquid nitrogen on them and that burns them off.  It is exactly as much fun as it sounds.  Slightly more amusing is the doctor's preparation which consists of her saying "okay this is going to hurt.  This is going to hurt terribly much.  It's going to be agonizing." until I finally tell her to shut up and just get on with it.

I was walking over for my most recent torture session and decided I would take at least one picture every block.  Herein mrpeenee Goes to the Doctor:

The world's most gigantic bougainvillea.

Noe Street has charming community areas where the sidewalk widens out and which the neighborhood fills with potted plants and flowers.

I don't know what's going on here. This was everybody's favorite Japanese restaurant but it burned years ago and is still just sitting charred and empty.

I appreciate the work that goes into keeping a flower bed so tidy.

I love the architecture in my neighborhood.  Someone once described all the bay windows that are such an important feature of it as looking like the buildings are corrugated.

I love this color of bougainvillea

The view from my doctor's office.

And one last look down the quiet treelined charm of Noe Street.

Before we move on to the nekkid mens (and don't think that I am unaware that's why all of you come here.  Pervs.) I want to ask my fellow bloggers if you know a way for me to alert my readers on the odd occasion I get around to putting up a new post.  My last blog host, which shall remain unnamed, automatically sent out an email letting everybody know my deathless prose was once again available and I would like to  return to that.

Anyway, on with the nekkid mens I have found lately

I like guys having a good time


What a lug.

Who puts the Ass in Massive?

Sunny delight.

My long time fascination, Marbys Negretti.

In the weeds.



  1. Your bit of San Francisco is lovely! The architecture, the Bougainvilleas, the tree-lined streets, the views, the Bougainvilleas!!
    I note that 'Sushi Urashima' is actually open (according to the sign in the door window, anyway). Although I expect the fish is now cooked.

    P.S. I used to want those thin, pointy sideburns that Sunny Delight has, but could never get mine to look like that. I think my hair was too light and too patchy in front of my ears.

    P.P.S. What's he pointing at at the end? The exit?

    1. P.P.P.S. I don't know about the Blog post notification thingy, although I expect Jon will.

    2. I'm sure your skinny, pointy sideburns were just lovely.

      And thank you so much Jon, as M. DeVice said, I should have known you would be able to help out.

  2. Love the tour. San Francisco has long been my favorite city because of its mix of old and new.

    1. At one time, I was the new and now I am the old; I'm just helping San Francisco out.

  3. Because I've known what Google has wanted to do for years & years (linking everything) I've made a huge fucking mess for myself. SO many emails accounts & passwords, I have no idea who I am when I'm on anything related to Google.

    I have a page that I've had for years related to Blogger. It shows me new posts from blogs I follow. But I have to leave Safari (I know, I know, why am I still using THAT!) & open Chrome to be able to come here & comment.

    I realize this doesn't help you, but I got to vent.


    1. I too use Safari. I didn't even realize it was passe. Those bougies are even more splendid in person.

  4. I discovered your blog after reading your comment at I just had a nice time visiting your blog, and am glad that I'm now a follower. :-) Best wishes, Carl Miller Daniels (

    1. Thank you so much Carl and welcome aboard.

    2. You're welcome. Glad to be here. And I'm wondering -- is mrpeenee a blogspot blog? I'm thinking it is, but since the word "blogspot" is not a part of the url name, I can't help but wonder. Let me know, okay? And I'll fix your listing on my list of favorite blogspot blogs. Best wishes, Carl

    3. It is indeed a Blogspot blog. I started here, moved over to WordPress several years ago and got kicked off there recently because of my naked men pictures. Fuck 'em.

    4. Thanks for letting me know that mrpeenee is indeed a blogspot blog. I'll revise my list of favorites to make the clear. Sorry to hear about your WordPress troubles. Sigh. Best wishes, Carl

  5. That certainly is a lovely neighbourhood! Shame it's associated with lumps of you being burned off. Jx

    PS A delightful collection of appendages today!

    1. This is all the neighborhood I live in, bumps or no bumps. Being able to walk to my doctor is just a bonus.

  6. OMG! That doctor would have to give me general anesthesia before I let her burn anything off me. Even then, she'd probably have to peel me off the ceiling when she was done.

    However, the neighborhood is very attractive, and so are the nekkid mens. So I like nekked mens -- sue me.
    Anonymous, too

    1. As long as I'm able to squeal like a little girl during the burning (it's really just a sting, but I like to make my doctor work for her money,) it's fine.

      I do love men of the nekkid variety.

  7. I never was notified you had posted on the-site-that-must -not-be-named; I just kept checking until you updated. and what’s with all this walking? Are you getting healthy?

    1. Healthy? Not hardly. It's so close I was just embarrassed to call Uber.

  8. From what I can find you can only add 10 email addresses to notify people when there is a new post.

    Kind of sucks.

    I check periodically to see if you managed to drag your ass out of bed to peck away at the goings on in Tilling or is it Riseholme?

    1. Riseholme certainly has its charms, but I prefer the shenanigans in Tilling.

  9. The 'In the weeds' man looks very similar to the man who pursued me in the forest last week, he was a white man but he had black balls, what was that about? Love the bougainvillea too.

    1. Maybe he was a druid. You never know what you're going to stumble upon in the woods.

  10. White man? Black balls?
    Wouldn't he be against the law in Virginia?

    Love, normadesmond


In Which We Act Our Age

 Okay, so I will be 70 years old next month. Seventy. Seven tee.  How is that possible?  This was not part of my plan, but is creeping decre...