Friday, April 26, 2024

In Which We Revel in Some Domestic Bliss


This plant is a Purple Shield, it has some Latin name that I am not going to try to spell here.  I always thought they were cool because, uh, they're purple, ok?  I bought this one in February despite not being sure how well it might do inside here.  In fact, it has more than tripled in size since then.  That's a huge relief, when I had a garden, almost all of the plants would be thriving, minding their own business, and I would obsessively fuss over some sickly little specimen that was obviously never going to make it. 

Even better, it has apparently felt the call of spring and has set flowers.  I was delighted when I saw all the buds, but then the actual blooms turned out to look like puny orange dandelions. Oh well. 

In local cat news, I followed Diane von Austinburg's very sensible suggestion that I lure Octavia out from under the bed with treats.  Turns out Octavia is a snack whore.  I can relate.  Once she connected me with treats, she let me pet her and then once she let me pet her, she has started demanding attention.  

She slept with me this morning, which was really sweet except for the part about waking me up by yelling at me to pick her up and put her in bed.  She can jump up herself, but she has sort of a hard time with it.  I'm going to get some of those steps so I don't have to act as some kitty longshoreman.  Once she settled down, she set to licking my arms because apparently she didn't approve of my hygiene.  If you've never been licked by a cat, it is very much like being attacked with wet sandpaper.  Again, so sweet, except now my forearms smell like cat food.

Dudes I wish were yelling at me to get in my bed: 

Maybe he needs me to lick him.

Thoughtful and meaty, an excellent combo.

I just love a man with good balance.  I fall over enough for both of us.

I think I may have featured this guy sort of recently, but I'm too lazy to check.

Artistic buttchops.


  1. Hope the Purple Shield is cat proof. Octavia might have other plans for it.

    Now she is your cat if she is demanding instant gratification.

    1. I never had indoor plants before because I assumed my cat would regard them as some kind of salad bar, but now I've decided to just not worry about it.

  2. Uh-oh. Octavia is giving you a disapproving stare over something. She is settling nicely into her job as Mistress of Casa de Peenee.

    Nice selection of butt chops and tube steaks.

    Anonymous, too

    1. I think she just doesn't like having her picture taken, she doesn't look that grumpy in real life

  3. From cat-food to man-meat - I love it! Jx

    PS My, how Octavia has changed since the last post...
    PPS Adore that vine - I know it as "Purple Passion" - but I never knew it was basically a daisy-on-acid! [NB its Latin name is Gynura aurantiaca, which actually sounds like some unmentionable "women's trouble"]

  4. I like the funky plant pot.
    See how the cat glares at you, it wants to rip your throat out.
    I have the same wardrobe doors as thoughtful and meaty.

    1. Does that mean Thoughtful and Meaty was photographed in your boudoir? I hoped he earned his fee.

  5. I remembered one of my husbands lived in a high rise apartment, (sounds so much nicer than saying flat) with his cat Errol on the 6th floor, he used a basket and 2 washing lines tied together to gently lower the cat to the ground, the cat would jump out and do his duties, one evening I went into the kitchen, a little worse for wear (drunk) and saw the cat in the basket whinging to go outside, I opened the window, picked up the basket with the cat in it and lobbed it out bungee style, I managed to grab hold of the line just before it hit the ground, however it rebounded and threw the cat out, it wasn't hurt but it would look at me through mean slitty eyes for weeks afterwards.

    1. How many of those mean, slitty eyed looks have you gotten in your time?

  6. If you're going to have all that danglage dangling around, your cat is going to eventually take a swing. I'd do the same thing in the cat's place.


In Which We Live It Up

Back when I was a good deal younger than I am now, leading the fabulous existence of an '80s queer in New Orleans, I remember thinking o...