So this is mrpeenee's sixth birthday. I have no idea how these things happen.
I originally started this whole thing only because I wanted to comment more easily on Thombeau's long gone and most lamented Fabulon and at the time, Blogger made it easier to sign in if you had your own blog. I still miss Fabulon.
Anyway, after that things just sort of got out of hand. I certainly never imagined I'd make friends here, connections that would be a great comfort during those dark times around R Man's death. It helped a lot.
And now I have people I've never physically met who have opinions about my sex life and decorating and cat (appropriately, I'm typing this without my right thumb because of a big ol' gash on it from Saki. I swear I am sending him back to Cat Jail.) And commenters. I love comments.
And muscle pussy. |
In six years, I have outlasted that pissy queen who used to just post comments so he (or she) could deride my grammar. I would like to point out Diane von Austinburg is a professional editor and if she can suck up my fondness for gerunds and erratic punctuation, I think everybody else should too.
I have stuck it out through the creepy infatuation of my stalker who used to post coyly and too-affectionate notes and tried to pick comment fights with bloggers I actually admired like Mitzi and Mean Dirty Pirate. Of all the nerve! I actually turned to MJ from Infomaniac about him (which should tell you how unnerved by him I was) and her advice to ignore him and he would eventually go away was quite right.
Lots of muscle pussy. |
Also, through the magic of bloglandia, I have been able to dragoon Ask the Cool Cookie into helping with Secret Agent Fred's house in Baltimore and a big thank you to him for that.
Blogs. They're handier than you might think.
Lots and lots of Muscle Pussy |