Thursday, July 27, 2023

In Which We Return


If you look below this post, you'll see that the last post I put up here on Blogger is a sniffy little tirade about how I will NEVER darken these doors again.  Back then, 7 years ago, Blogger had just threatened a ban on adult content and I was not interested in picking up what they were putting down so I skedaddled. And yet, here I am back, tail between my legs.  So who could have put my tail there?  Blogger's competitor WordPress, to whom I had fled all those years ago, that's who.

A couple of weeks ago I got a terse message from WordPress announcing that I had been busted for posting "sexually explicit material" and that my blog would therefore be suspended.  Pissy bitches. And by suspended, they actually meant deleted.  I had no access to my own blog or any way to contact my followers.  They did let me download a file of my posts, but that turned out to just be lines of code.  Thanks to my fellow blogger Scarlet, from Wonky Words  and Mags from 63 mago, I got my hands on a converter that shook out the code into something more legible, but even that was just the text with no pictures and none of the comments, which were my favorite part.  Insult to injury, the posts are jumbled up out of order.

So 7 years of work, gone.  I am keenly aware of how unimportant this blog is, but to me, it was a kind of diary; if I wondered what I was doing 3 years ago, for instance, I could always dip in to the archives and find out.  The loss of it and the futile hassle I went through trying to retrieve it left me frustrated and sad for the last few days, but I have decided to just shake it off and move on.  I hope I'm not being bitter when I say WordPress has decided it is no longer content with being a platform for blogging and now wants to be a host for commercial websites so even before I got kicked off I didn't actually fit in anymore. Anyway, here I am back where I started, me and my smutty little blog.

Some of that material they found so distasteful:

Who could object to such tasteful and tasty Muscle Pussy?

One of my favorite pictures EVER, and now in color.

The always alluring Blake Clunes.

Another long-time favorite, tragically, an anonymous one.

Teasey in red.

"Yeah, everybody says it's big...."

Surely, people standing in line behind him must occasionally just squeeze that.

Next to godliness, baby.

How do you navigate through life with an ass like that?

Emilio Contento, costarring his massive titties.


  1. Please, you know all you did was uncover the furniture and dust off the chandeliers!!! And volia, Peenee Manor was ready again.

    What a shame that happened. I too had a Wordpress set up for a "just in case" moment. And I know many are now having to buy more space once they used there free space up. I had no idea. But when I tire or the same happens here, I'll will hang it up. Blogger will be the one and only platform for me to blog. It's just so user friendly.

    1. I was surprised when I came crawling back how easy it was to get going again. Certainly more so than when I went over to WordPress.

  2. Yes, I feel that about WordPress, too, it wants rid of the community bloggers who like having old fashioned blogrolls, and friendly banter. I keep getting emails asking me to upgrade to a business plan, etc.
    Anyhow, I'm returning to Blogger as well, like Maddie says, it is user friendly.

    1. Every time WordPress crank out some "update," it just made it harder to blog there. Fuck 'em.

  3. Replies
    1. "I watched a TV show at 6.35pm last Thursday and it was the dirtiest programme that I have seen for a very long time." Mistress MJ or Mary Whitehouse? Jx

  4. Ohhh so that happened, huh?
    I told the Tumblr idiots to go eff themselves when THEY cleaned up and came back to Blogger (that sometimes is Trolled up to capacity and you get your posts reported, but it's still Blogger).
    I have a wordpress backup but according to what you say, they are clamping down on explicit blogs too? Ugh.
    Well, welcome back. You come recommended by Mads, so you should be good.


    1. Hello and welcome. Poor old Tumblr, at one time it was such a wealth of excellent naked men, but now it's just sad teenage virgins and anime.

  5. Welcome home, Mr Peenee! Jx

    PS Nice selection of mens, as always...

  6. Thank you and I'm very glad to see you. I saw your message about my old posts flooding your inbox, but I don't know how that happened or where those old posts are now. Frustrating as dry sand.

  7. Well, on the plus side, I don't have to be Norman Desmond anymore, so there's that. In this insane world, we need some constants. Thank you for being constantly Peenee.

    1. Norma/Norman...we really should have broken out the party hats for Peenee's return.

  8. Peenee! It is so good to see you again! It was a shock to see that WordPress clutched its pearls and "suspended" your blog. I thought maybe you had posted something raunchier than normal!
    Anonymous, too
    PS: Nice butt chops, and it is also good to see the sundial again.l

  9. Jon, for some reason, Blogger has decided that I can't leave a reply to a comment. Instead, I must start a new thread. So in response to your question, "Mistress MJ or Mary Whitehouse?" I have looked in the mirror and cannot give you a reliable answer.

    1. Sounds like that "cross-site tracking" issue that I have commented on before at many people's blogs (and that's a browser issue, not Blogger or WP for a change). I really must do a one-off post about it, so I can just refer people to a link.

      Anyhoo - do you wear a hat like Mary Whitehouse did? Jx

    2. Haven't got that hat yet but miraculously, I'm able to reply to your reply.

  10. So glad you're back, PeeNee! Your snark and filth were missed!

    1. Thanks sweetie, I am in a much better mood after just one measly post.

  11. I often show your smut to Carmen when she's on the phone to her elderly aunt. Why have they decided to ban you now after 7 years? Their loss, Bloggers gain.

    1. I assume it took that long to catch up with me, they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer over there.

  12. Yes yes yes! Don't let the bastards grind you down! Nothing but the finest butt chops on the Internet! Man I am getting tired of the Internet trying to dictate what I see. It's fucked up that Wordpress screwed you out of all your content. I liked to read back and visit my favorite boys too. Their loss.

    1. I see so much of the world retracting to a smaller minded position in every way; I think this was just another example.

  13. Huzzah, sweetpea! Gorgeous photos and so well developed! xoxo

  14. Ah, here you are! I'm so glad you and your mens are back as the last naked body I saw was my own, and I was nearly sick.

    P.S. I think Mr Life Navigator needs warming up - he's got goosepimples on the back of his thighs!

  15. Welcome back! I missed you. Had no idea you were at wordpress in the interim.

  16. Happy to see you are back at it. How long blogger will let you post your most artistic photos is a question.

    1. You know what Bette midler said, " Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke"

  17. Why the fuck do you homos “think” fags must behave in your fruitcake/ish manner!? Act a man, douche canoe.


In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...