Back when I was a good deal younger than I am now, leading the fabulous existence of an '80s queer in New Orleans, I remember thinking occasionally what a quiet, restrained life I had. Looking back on it, I must have been out of my mind, more so even than usual. Those were the days when I'd go out to queer bars and bath houses pretty much every single night whooping it up, listening to loud music and chasing dick. Now if I have a haircut and a doctor's appointment both in the same week, I am laid low for days.
I was considering all that this last weekend. Diane von Austinburg was in town and we made a day of it. We met up with our friend Hotfoot to go check out a charming new little museum with a very interesting couple of exhibits. It wasn't crowded and the space is a dynamite use of an old bank downtown. We dug it.
After we had had our fill of being cultured, we headed for a bar, because what else do you do late on a Sunday afternoon? Hotfoot's husband Drumstick joined us there and after a couple of drinks we adjourned for sushi. Diane and Hotfoot both said it was excellent. Drumstick and I both agree sushi is nothing but overpriced cat food and we refuse it. Still, it was a very nice dinner hanging out with old friends.
But wait, there's more! After dinner we came back to my place and played Yahtzee like the wild dogs we are. They all polished off a few bottles of wine and even though I was the only one not drinking, I was also the only one to not win a game. I was so annoyed, I briefly considered cheating, since they were all so wasted by then they wouldn't have known, but even I have my limits. Everyone had completely conflicting demands about what music I should be playing.
The whole underpinning for the evening was a celebration of Super Agent Fred's birthday. We toasted to him, and we told stories about him, and we all got a little teary-eyed occasionally. It was very reminiscent of evenings gone by when we would explore bars all over town, the sushi place was one of Fred's favorite spots, and a Yahtzee tournament was a tradition of ours. It was a good time and times like that help say goodbye.
Speaking of Super Agent Fred, I have been able to make progress (finally) on the website where I will be offering up his art. I know I have been really slow getting a handle on all this, but I am able to think I should have something soon.
You know what else Fred was very fond of? Naked men: