Friday, June 28, 2024
In Which We Are Still Gay
Friday, June 21, 2024
In Which We Have a Chat
I also use images like when I think "Imma take off for Peet's" I will have an image of the cafe and the trip there and the gang of loud homosexuals that hog a table in the hopes that they won't be there, but those pictures are just secondary to my rambling dialogue, illustrating what I'm already thinking.
What's more, I often phrase these inner sentences in the plural, such as "let's go to Peet's," rather than "I'm going to go to Peet's". Walt Whitman said "I contain multitudes" and he was a big ol' homo, so he must be right. And speaking of multitudes, I will occasionally have a disagreement with myself. "Oh you think you can go get coffee and still make it to the doctor? Get real, queen." I'm frequently very harsh with myself. Alice in Wonderland had these same kind of inner brain arguments; I don't know if comparing myself to a fictional child having a nightmare is a good thing or not. Let's just move on.
Through the magic of the internet, I came across the concept of naming different aspects of my thought process as Present peenee, Past peenee, and Future peenee. When, for example, I don't want to unload the dishwasher, I, speaking as Present peenee, will talk myself into doing it by telling Past peenee that Future peenee will appreciate it. I even go so far as to have Present peenee thank Past peenee for putting the dishes away. It goes the other way too when I indulge in the joys of procrastination and tell myself whatever I'm putting off is a job for Future peenee. Future peenee is often very annoyed by this. Yeah, Future turns into Present and they both get mad at Past who has morphed into Present and it gets awfully loud and uncomfortable what with all the yelling. Pipe down, bitches.
We all want to assure you that we are not schizophrenic, we're not going all Three Faces of Eve or Sybil up in here. It's just a way to organize my thoughts, such as they are. I happen to think in whole sentences, and the sentences sometimes turn into conversations. This blog is very much a reflection of my inner dialogue. Sometimes I just crack myself up I am so hilarious. I could go on, but one of my favorite peenees is demanding sour cream potato chips so I gotta go.
Future peenee presents imagery for us all to enjoy:
Friday, June 14, 2024
In Which We Take a Trip
Sunday, June 9, 2024
In Which We Are Gay
In Which We Rock Out
As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...

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Secret Agent Fred and I have decided to invade New Orleans for Mardi Gras, 2014. I know the last time I went there for Carnival, I swore I ...
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