Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Always a Bridesmaid

Big sloppy wet ones for my girls Miss Janey and Elizabeth for their wholehearted support of the gay marriage ruling by the California Supreme Court on their blogs (links are listed over there on the right, I'm too lazy to cut and paste the urls here.) If I have to be in a fight, it's nice to have friends like this on my side.

And yes, I know it's going to be a fight and the conservatives energized by this will sweep into the voting booths and overcome their unhappiness with a war that will not end and an economy that will not start and vote against me and all my brothers who just want to jump the broom with somebody with a penis and you know what I say to that? I say O Please. I wasn't looking for this fight, I was satisfied with the small crumbs that came my way, domestic partnership and such, but it's here now and if some small minded bigot wants to continue to deny me equality with him and his little missus then he's going to have to actually stand up and actively vote against me.

I stick my tongue out at him, neener, neener, neener.


  1. I don't know nothing 'bout no politics....but damn anyone who gets in *my* way of the bouquet toss at your wedding.

    Bitch is going *down.*

  2. Indeed, I, for one, would never dream of crossing you. Not after all these years of mowing down old ladies who went after the doubloon you had dibs on.

  3. Miss Janey will do worse to him than that. She will scratch him. She will cut him. Then she will vote for equality for EVERYONE.

  4. Truly, you are fierce. Luv ya.

  5. And Miss Janey will do it all in her fabulous new platform shoes.

    As for me, I will scold them, wag my finger at them, and say "I Am SO ASHAMED of you!!!" Until they finally see the error of their ways and the sunlight spills, at last, into their frightened, blindered little lives.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dear Mr Peenee, if you need me to unleash all of my south american bestiality to protect you and R man at your wedding, I would do it gladly. You know I can get really "3rd world" on those conservative bitches.
    I still can't vote, I have to wait a few years for my citizenship... And hopefully, by the time I can vote, this issue will be solved... And everybody will be able to get married not only in California, but EVERYWHERE.

  8. I would like to correct myself, My husband just warned me bestiality means something completely different of what I thought (in spanish means being a beast, like a violent beast, not a pervert beast)
    Me and my english....

  9. hee hee. Your ferocity so impressed me I didn't notice the beast loving part. I'm just glad you're on my side.

  10. Another supporter here... (of marriage equality, not South American bestiality!)

  11. Marilyn
    Thanks hon. If we get enough signups here, I'm thinking about forming a bowling team

  12. Sweetie, I know I'm late coming to this party, but if you have a wedding, I bloody well better be best woman. Or at least second best. . .

  13. And if I'd read all the comments first, I would have mentioned your bowling team. Because you know I'm captain.

  14. Congrats!!! Also, get better. There is no time for anyone being sick!! You hear me?


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...