Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bringing Up Baby

We sprang our new cat from Kitty Jail yesterday and brought him home. Oh, he is so cute and friendly as all get out. The Animal Care and Control people estimates his age at around 3 years old, but I think he's younger; his face looks barely out of kitten stage and he rolls on his back to bat at your hand like a kitten. He has the oddest voice I've ever heard from a cat, very high-pitched and hoarse, sometimes he sounds more like a hawk. We've pretty much landed on Saki as his name, it's more fun to say than Zim. Thanks to Miss Janey for her vote on the naming issue, I shall occasionally remind him his hair is fierce in your honor.

Anyway, here's his pictures. Caution: Extreme Adorablenss.


  1. OHHH! He's is adorable. And what great pics, esp the one with his paw out of focus but his face in focus. Niiice.

    Congrats on your new friend.

  2. Perhaps your new kitty has some Siamese blood. That could explain his voice.

  3. That might be, he certainly talks as much as all the Siamese I've ever known. Mouthy little darlings.

  4. Too cute!
    I love the one with his paw paparazzi please!

  5. Exactly! Very Amy Winehouse, I think.

  6. YAY! Saki!

    So happy for your little family!

  7. OMG, you have obviously worked your magic, because in the last pic he is like totally giving you jazz hands!!

  8. Congratulations on the new little one! :)

  9. Oh he's adorable!
    Congratulations Mr. Peenee!


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...