Friday, January 23, 2009

And Now, For My Next Number...

I was busy in the kitchen tonight, whipping up a rather fabulous coleslaw (which reminds me of the time I was making this while my father was visiting and absentmindedly made the dressing with balsamic vinegar instead of the apple cider vinegar I had wanted.  I tasted it and sure enough, it didn't have the bright astringency I wanted.  As I poured it down the sink I mentioned to my father that it tasted "cloudy."   He looked at me aghast, clearly wondering if some tragic mutation had occurred while my mother was pregnant with me since such a freak of nature as I couldn't have possibly sprung from his loins.  He couldn't have been more baffled if I had been speaking Urdu.  I also now realize I couldn't have come up with a more gay, gay, gay anecdote if I had tried long and hard.  Anyway.)

So I was trying to chop cabbage and peel carrots and Saki, the adorable and evil kitty would not stay off the counter, which inspired a little tune I call "Cat Stew."

Cat Stew
sung to the tune of 'Tonight' from West Side Story:

Cat Stew!
Cat Stew!
I'm gonna make cat stew!
I'm gonna make cat stew out of you.

Repeat until cat gets disgusted and leaves or boyfriend comes in and demands to know what the hell all that racket is. 


  1. That is the gayest story I have ever heard! And hilarious. Lord knows we mustn't have cloudy coleslaw. What a gorgeous evil kitty, btw.

  2. It was probably that half teaspoonful of balsamic vinegar that your mother inadvertently had while pregnant with you that caused it all.

  3. LOL! That story was fabu, and I ADORE cole slaw!! :)

  4. is that your kitty? i have two that color but waaay bigger!

  5. Oh you boys, always in competition. And just remind R-man about the kitty blues, if he's getting picky about your musical number!

  6. Mr. P should sleep with one eye open. Kitteh has claws!


In Which Flights of Angels, Baby, Flights of Angels

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