Saturday, June 19, 2010

That Time of Year

Is there any among us not aflutter with excitement over the 2010 International Nude Houseboy Olympics? I think not.

Personally, one of my favorites is the sculling event scheduled for as soon as I get around to it in the Chez Peenee bathtub and natotorium. The thrill of hearing the coxmen's cry of "Stroke, stroke...," I just adore it.

Do feel free to let us know what Olympian events are percolating in your neck of the woods.


  1. I'm getting ready to host the Mr. Nude Infomaniac 2010 Pageant.

    I regret to inform you that you didn't make the cut this year.

  2. I dig the new look.
    In Portland it is the season for Hipster Hunting. Not much sport in it these days.

  3. Blogger is eating my regular 'log-in with avatar' comments but this is the only way I can receive follow-up comments in my inbox.

    Don't mind me. Nothing to see here.

  4. If only you hadn't suffered that unfortunate pole-vaulting accident.

  5. Here in Ogreville, it's the annual Poolside Drinking Festival. I wish you could bring those nude coxswains and yourself over to join me.

  6. All are getting excited here for the annual nude coq au vin cook off.

  7. Miss J is confused... what is that obtrusive thing they are holding and WHY? Put it down- be free.

    Also, why can't those soccer fellas play dress lie this?

  8. cockfighting at the Dueling Oaks.

  9. lovely winchester, virginia is overrun by "the men who don't wear sleeves". Although not an official event- it is something that will stick in your mind (and craw) like that time you saw grandma naked.


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...