Saturday, February 11, 2012


Isn't this precious? As someone once commented here, "As long as you have a cat, you're never really out of blogging material." So true. Here we have a quiet evening with Saki and mrpeenee, playing solitaire and eating peanut M&Ms as mreenee's foot slowly goes to sleep since Saki refuses to move.

The only thing missing is the soundtrack of Cyndi Lauper's Shine (an excellent, underrated tune,) Saki purring, and mreenee shrieking "Goddamit, what is that stench? Stop farting. Stop FARTING. Immediately." Giving orders to a cat: that always works out, doesn't it?

It's my own fault, I recently accidentally bought salmon cat food for the little tyrant and he seemed to like it so much that I've added it to his diet. Side effects include gas like the fucking Hindenburg coming in for a landing. Dear god. Maybe he's making editorial comments about the porn I watch, I don't know. All I'm sure of is that I found a gasmask site that has them on sale for $164.50 and I'm thinking strongly about ordering one.

More adorable Saki stuff.


  1. Don't tell MJ! She'll want a link to the video with full sound effects...

    Gas Mask... I smell a bargain

  2. Really? You're blogging about cat farts? Oh, honey...

  3. are you quite sure it's the cat?

  4. how will you ever get saki to wear a gas mask? and what else is in her little bag of tricks?

  5. i notice that kabuki is not on the list of Blogs You Need. Kabuki shall just about die.

  6. An oversight, and one which I have corrected with my deepest apologies. While holding my breath.

    As fgr you, Thom, that's mighty big sneering from somebody one gravedigging step away from resurrecting Charo.

  7. cat farts? I mean, really....go decorte something! Cute foot by the way

  8. if you put those cucumbers up your nose,
    the stench may be squashed.

  9. Cookie too sees that he is not on the list of blogs. If Peenee places Cookie on the list, Cookie will go to the witch up the street and have her place an enchantment on Saki to end the gas. If Cookie is not placed on the list, then witch will place a reverse charm on Peenee.

  10. Mercy. Obviously it's gloves off once you start talking about farting cat.

    Miss him and you.

  11. Well, add me to the pity party about being overlooked. You ditch the party for a year or so, and there you are, ignored. Woe is me. Bring me back, pretty please? It's like tumbleweeds over at my place...

    Where, oddly, the terriers have also been pretty lethally flatulent lately. I think maybe the domestiche is feeding them curry...

  12. Just another bit of evidence that Saki is both adorable and evil.

    At least it's just farts. Open the windows and put out any possible sources of ignition (candles, smoking materials, pilot lights, sacrificial bonfires, etc.).

    My first cat had worse -- food poisoning from tuna cat food. He had explosive, corrosively-scented liquid shits. The kind that must have burned coming out, leaving splatter patterns "CSI" could do several episodes on. I'll never buy tuna cat food again as long as I live!!

  13. It wouldn't be so bad with cats, and dogs, if only they weren't so bloody silent! Make a noise, I say, and warn me!

  14. How about one of these? giving pussy or yourself fart blanche to drop one anytime without fear of detection.

  15. See if there is a discount if you buy two of them. My Mickey can clear out a room....

    How does forty pounds of gas come from a twenty pound animal anyway???

  16. mitzi is worth every penny we pay her.


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...