Friday, October 19, 2012


Many thanks to Muscato for pointing us towards Mary Worth and Me which I have been plowing through all night.  A blurb on the site announces "Reminds us of Mystery Science Theater 3000" which is sort of close, but doesn't do it justice.

The funnies of my 1960s youth still fascinate me, Ms Worth certainly in that firmament, along with Juliet Jones (prissy bitch) and the vaguely homorific Gil Thorpe.  Actually, I realize Gil was only gay because I had a big ole crush on him and his industrial strength crew cut.

and because the strip could be relied on for frequent scenes set in a high school locker room's showers.

My fave was Brenda Starr, Reporter.  When I was fumbling through journalism school, I had a charming blown up picture of Ms Star announcing fierily, as her eyes did their patented blaze "I don't speak to entertainment press."  It was a quote I longed to use myself, but oddly, never got to.

Slightly better, here's one I just found.

We've all been there, haven't we?  The stringy hair, the long shower trying to wash the shame away, the oh-so-conveneint amnesia.  Speaking as the voice of experience (much like Mary Worth!) I say if the police aren't asking uncomfortable questions, it's probably best not to worry too much about those lost weeks.  How good could they have been?  Move on sweetie.


  1. Oh, lord - the Shower of Shame. That never-to-be-forgotten stench as the hot water hits your smoke-and-beer infused hair...

    As for the funnies, I was always a Winnie Winkle boy, but she gave up the ghost in our local paper in the '80s (and altogether a few years later). Brenda Starr was fab, too, of course - I especially liked her stone-butch pal Hank, although I loathed her repulsive brat, Starr Twinkle St. John (a brat who, given her name has either porn star or ecdysiast as her only career choices).

  2. I just spray in a little dry shampoo and then Febreze my clothing.

  3. Mary Worth use to directly meddle in the lives of others. Now, do you mean to tell me all she does is sit at a computer and meddle through a column? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO WHEN WE LOSE THAT PERSONAL TOUCH?

  4. i liked to draw a horse-sized cock
    onto hi of "hi and lois."

    1. Norma, darling, is it true you also used to do the same to Beetle Bailey, L'il Abner, Hagar the Horrible, and Cathy?

  5. As a young'un, I always wondered why Brenda Starr seemed to be wearing more sets of false eyelashes than Diana Ross.

    However, in my adult years, I did stumble upon one Mary Worth strip I cherish for just one panel in it: A female character (no, not Mary herself) shrieking "This is so STUPID!!!!" I have this panel, copied and enlarged to differing sizes, in several areas of my cubicle in Dilbertville. Some are right next to copies of the panel of St. Dogbert exclaiming "Out, out, you demons of stupidity!!!"

    1. Cubelan lends itself to insights from Mary Worth.

  6. I used to know the woman who wrote the byline for Brenda Starr for a while. She went on to receive a Pulitzer Prize! For something else, I hasten to add.

  7. Three weeks is a long period of time to disappear into a black hole. I would have advised Miss Brenda to see her gynecologist before worrying about the police.

  8. Ah Brenda! And Winnie! And of course, who can forget Dondi? Ah youth!


In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...