Friday, December 21, 2012

Travel Time

Speaking of drinking, Secret Agent Fred and I are off for the bright lights of New Orleans on Saturday for a week.  Unless the world ends today.

Yall have a lovely Christmas and I'll be back on the Feast of Steven, deep and crisp and even.


  1. don't forget to use the safety clasp on your best jewels!

  2. Yeay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait

  3. Photos of the pair of you Bitches together, please.

  4. Keep away from those witch queens I've heard so much about there. Have a lovely time and a Merry Christmas!

  5. Are you the Gypsy Queen o New Orleans? Now everything makes sense. sorta

  6. Merry Christmas! Thanks for all the chuckles over the year! ~

  7. From the Princess to the peenee... Happy New year Darling

  8. how kabuki would love to be with you. new orleans would love us, as they love you. or we would burn it to the ground, with our red hot hottness.

  9. Hey, man! Get back to your admirers! We miss the Peen.


In Which We Indulge in One More Kitty Post

  If I was a therapist, I would hand this out to my clients and charge them for it.  OK, OK, OK, I promise I am not going to turn this into ...