Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lively Up Your Commute

I took the subway up to the Castro after work this evening to meet R Man. Naturlement, it was jam-packed, but I nimbly snagged my favorite place to stand if I can't get a seat and then, as a reward from the goddess for all my sweetness and wonderfulness, this terribly cute young man in a lovely black suit with charcoal pinstripes wedged in next to me. Even our positions were ideal, I was able to ogle him without being vulgarly obvious. Not that that has ever slowed me down particularly, but it's nice to avoid it, if one can.

But the very most best part? As we pulled into the Castro station he bent over to pick up his briefcase/backpack/manpurse/clutch/whatever and bumped his ass very firmly into my hand. Not on purpose, get real. And I WAS NOT GROPING HIM. Had I been doing so, I certainly would have done a better job of it than the brief, but thrilling contact I managed. I got off the car humming, it takes so little to make me happy in these, my declining years.

Unfortunately, he was not Ross Hurston, pictured above, although he was dressed even nicer. I've seen Hurston on the street here a couple of times. One of the sweetest things about San Francisco are the feral porn stars we get to observe. I was surprised to find out he has an Australian accent, but then I was surprised to find out porn had dialogue, so I guess that makes sense.


  1. Umm, I have an Australian accent! Whre does that leave me???

  2. Porn has dialogue.
    I always thought it was me.

  3. I know about his accent. I know all too well. I take it you've never seen his instant classic "Sex On Set 2," from which springs the still that heads your post. That man pushes buttons I didn't even know I had, despite my also declining years. He even inspired me to portabilize my porn for the first time, so now he's always at hand, as it were. Now if you'll excuse me for a moment...

  4. I love when positions on commutes allow for some very easy oggling! I get lucky on now and then on my commute. And I never complain!

  5. Such envy. We only have the ordinary plain porn variety around these parts. Tit Pig anyone?

  6. Having recently changed domiciles, a morning commute now jump-starts my work day.

    Ball-level seating can bring such joy.

  7. ahem...so jealous.
    The closest I get to "porn stars" on my commute are the crack whores hanging out in front of the motels next door.

  8. NOT TIT PIG. Dear god no, NOT TIT PIG.

  9. He comes here all the time, twiddling his nipples.

  10. He was awesome....n yea porn has dialogues...

  11. mm... attractive post..


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...