Friday, July 2, 2010

Yeah, What's Up with Buddha Anyway?

I was originally going to use this photo in the post below:
But then I realized you could see his wiener! Oh Em Gee. I would hate to pollute my readers delicate sensibilities, plus, I know it's Jewish Sabbath someplace by now and I wouldn't want to offend, although this guy certainly does not look Jewish, am I right?

Then I started to wonder if maybe instead of his peepee, if might not be just a picture of some generic trouser mouse printed on the panties. That would be cute. If Abercrombie and their Bitch shows up with this next season, I am so suing.

Or maybe it's simply an optical illusion, shadows and folds of fabric creating the effect of man sausage, sort of like how the face of Jeebus shows up on screen doors or tortillas. I've always loved that idea; nothing would convince me of the divinity of some zombie based fairy tale like its protagonist's image on food products somewhere.

And is whathisname the only godlette shoving his mug into people's lunch? Do devout Hindus (did you know Victorian writers used to spell that "Hindoo?" I much prefer that.) Anyway, do devout Hindus occasionally look down at their chapatis and see Shiva, Destroyer of Worlds, looking back at them. Wouldn't that be disconcerting?

And Buddha? What's wrong, Buddha, you too cool for snack product placement? Sheesh.

Anyway, I think he has really pretty hair.


  1. mmmm....tortillas.
    Now I'm hungry.

  2. Ha....I tilted to the screen to see if it was real or if it was Memorex. I haven't decided yet.

  3. Its his Johnson. And have been reading the International Male Catalog, again?

  4. My husband has a birthmark that seems to be the image of ST. Teresa, the little flower, just above his ass crack. On her feast day we get 100s of pilgrims looking to fall down on their knees for a viewing. We let them for $.50.

  5. Definitely a snood.

    Maggie the Cat


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