Friday, September 17, 2010


Avast ye scurvy dogs, Sunday Sept. 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Blast me off the poop deck! There's still time to score a sweet little pirate patch and one of them smart tri-corns.

I expect Gulf Coast Buccaneer and International Mr. Nude Infomaniac, Mean Dirty Pirate, will be swinging his cutlass, if you know what I mean. If you don't, go ask him, I'm busy studying up on pirate lingo at the talk like a pirate site

I've already nailed my favorite phrase: "Prepare to be boarded and surrender yer booty."
It seems like it could come in handy.


  1. Jesus. My ass looks like a flapjack by contrast. Life is so not fair.

    Thanks for the heads up on 'talk like a pirate' day. I will plan accordingly.

  2. Pardon me, but would ya mind if I fired me cannon through your porthole?

  3. sorry, i can only talk like an old jewish woman.

    what a gorgeous piece of ass you've posted, can i touch it?

  4. Arrgh! Miss Janey be piss'd she miss'd it this yar!

  5. What a swashbuckler! One eyed willie coming for ye and is going to give you a jolly rogering.

  6. does anybody need a parrot? because i have extras. nothing says pirate like a parrot perched on your shoulder. oh, and nice melons on the cabin boy. arg!


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