Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidaze

Sixty years ago today, Ike and Mamie lead the survivors of the Annual Solstice Virgin Sacrifice stumbling away from the slaughter pit. Ike is lost in thought as to which might still be the most succulent, while Mamie manages to cling to her dazed consciousness only by focusing on what awaits her in the White House cellar.

Merry Exmas!!


  1. Oh, that Mamie...she banged him hard, I'm sure.
    (get it? get it? ahem)

    Merry merry to you too!

  2. I love a good Christmas story. So many of my Christmas fantasies involve Ike and Mamie. Bald men and banged women.

    Murry Chrixmus to you and yours Peenee.

  3. Well done young man. At a time when the world becomes more cynical by the day, it is truly heartwarming and inspiring to find someone not afraid to celebrate wholesome values.

  4. nothing says xmas like families, which is why kabuki has never like either. or ether. it all leaves a sickly sweet taste in your mouth.

  5. Are you telling us that she gave that young fellow some 'Mamie Pink'?

  6. mamie liked her bangs short so that there'd be room for ike to come on her forehead.

  7. Merry Christmas and lots of love to you and your hubby! XOXOXOX

  8. where to go from here...

    oh, i know!

    Merry Christmas! xo

  9. Hey there--doing my holidays rounds--Hope your season is going swell Mr Peenee! Ho ho ho! xo

  10. I'm just drying out from the merry-making and came by to see how you're doing.

  11. Yes, yes...but Mamie did introduce all those cabbage rose motifs.

    And those horrible bangs.

    Hope your Xmas was good, dollface.

  12. Happier New Year mrpeenee...
    Thanks for visiting, love

  13. To 2011, Peenee.

    Last night I dreamed you had a cassette tape tucked up under your foreskin.

    I have to stop drinking late at night.


In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...