Monday, May 21, 2012

Stupid Back

My back, never terribly cooperative at the best of times, has been giving me grief all week.  I took to my bed with ice packs and muscle relaxants, hounded my chiropractor, prayed to the Psychic Friends - nothing helped.  Then this morning I dragged my sorry ass of to a "late brunch" (which is code for drinks and vicodin) with Secret Agent Fred and several friends and now, many hours later, I feel ever so much better.   Maybe it was the pizza.

A graphic representation of my backache this week:

Much better.


Much better.


  1. I'll get Miss Cleo right on this.

  2. You're looking really, really, really better!

  3. Yikes. You better be careful, take care of yourself...or your back is going to be Maya Angelou soon.

  4. Can Saki knead the tension out of you muscles with his/her pads?

    1. All cats make a dedicated effort at being worthless. It's in their genes.

  5. Aww...Poor Peenee. Lay down and keep your legs elevated. As usual.

  6. Just when we are in need of support... our backs seem to decide to leave the equation... I've been experiencing similar difficulties of late... I feel your pain peenee...
    Can I get a double vicodin with my coffee?

  7. While I am *completely* sympathetic, having back issues myself, I've got to say that I find the labels for this post a rather odd group. Love ya. Mean it.

    1. It is an odd cloud, isn't it, and yet they'e all there in the story. Goes to show something. I'm just not sure what.

  8. i'll have you know i have that orange
    gown and it looks damn good on me.

  9. it looks better on the floor norma, don't u lie to mr peenee

  10. Don't make me come in there and separate you two. Norma gets it on even numbered nights, Kabuki on odd ones, and Ms Rashad on major Jewish holidays


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