Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Stay in Vegas

My favorite quote about Prince Harry flashing his bits in Las Vegas?  From Huffington Post comments on the story:

"Celebrity got drunk and stupid in vegas? Say it ain't so?

I live in vegas and the AVERAGE PERSON gets drunk and stupid here."

I'm just glad it wasn't William; let's face it, poor thing's really gone to seed fast and do we want to see that naked?  Plus I sort of love Harry cause when it comes to being a Royal, he really gets it.  Much like his late Great aunt Margaret.

While we're discussing naked men in Sin City, let us consider Rico Elbaz, an entertainer there whose tag line is "The Magic Behind the Zipper."  Do you think they hung out together?


  1. And ironically enough, "Rico Elbaz" there likes to be called "Princess Margaret"

    So I've heard.

  2. I was kinda hoping for a shot of the crown Jewels, tho.

  3. "I'm just glad it wasn't William; let's face it, poor thing's really gone to seed fast and do we want to see that naked? Plus I sort of love Harry cause when it comes to being a Royal, he really gets it. Much like his late Great aunt Margaret."

    You know you wrote that!

    1. Actually I did write that. It was only the bit about average people in Las Vegas that came from HuffPo.

  4. The most delicious fact is that he could actually become king! How sweet would that be?

    1. Sweet enough to get me to sing "God Save the King."

  5. i wanna see grandma's face when shown this photo.

  6. I don't think there were ever shots of Princess Margaret playing "strip pool"... Jx

  7. it is well known across the pond that the royals are expected to wave their hoo-haas at the servants yearly. Prince Harry is simply following protocol. kabuki wants him

  8. kabuki is, at absolute very least, close to the mark. (kabuki, we may have to arm-wrestle to decide who has first dibs on young Prince Harry!)

    Harry's Uncle Andrew flashed ALL to the paparazzi at a nude beach once upon a time. Harry's Dad, the Crown Prince (Up)Chuck, supposedly was photographed at least once in the altogether. (The Rottweiler can keep him, as far I'm concerned.) Big brother Wills has been seen aiming his glans while taking a piss outdoors.

    I even understand that some of Her Majesty's Royal Corgis have appeared in public with hardons!

    Therfore, Prince Harry needs to embark on a modeling career with Colt Studios or something similar. . .;-)!!!

  9. As we were lying together after th sex, and I said to Harry, "you know Harry, you're a he'll f a lay and that dick is quite a grower, but do you think it was smart letting that waiter snap those pictures?". He just headed down under the covers a gobble red my dick.

  10. I have a friend who once worked as a silver service waiter at a royal function. He told me, watching Princess Margaret Rose eat wasn't a pretty sight, she never once looked up from her plate, just kept shovelling it all in and grunting. Then she lit a cigerette. Bunch of pigs the lot of em. Put the royals on a bonfire and strike the match and I'll be there with the bellows. I'll spare Anne though, she once gave me a beaming smile when she came into town to open something or other. I just wanted to see her hair.


In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...