Friday, March 23, 2012

In Which Standards are Lowered and then Come Back

I realize I'm treading on dear Thombeau's Redundant Variety Hour territory here, but bear with me.

Here, in 1965, the Supremes wow 'em at the Hollywood Palace with an actual live, rather than lip synch version of Stop in the Name of Love, one of mrpeenee's longtime faves. It's rather leisurely paced, but I suppose that's to be expected with an intro by Tony Randall.

Note that even though the girls have obviously been run through the Motown charm school machine (such ladylike dresses and modest little heels. And such hair!) they still seem to actually be enjoying themselves. Note also, Miss Ross's eyebrows have not yet been fully tamed and lend themselves to her goo goo googly mugging.

Then a short year later and the girls are back, tweezers having been rolled out and some of the lamest lip synching ever. Keep Me Hangin On is notable because in the third chorus (at about 1:47 here) Diana amazingly hands off the lead to Flo. It's just for one line, but still.... You'd never know it from this video because the camera stays on Diana even as she pretends to sing Ooh ooh Ooh ooh Ooh.

But do you love the tangerine and hotpink sequins? What else can there be? I'll tell you what: SHOWTUNES! Cause white people love show tunes.

In 1967, the girls are back, live again, Flo having been kicked to the curb (Bye! Let's have a big hand for Cindy!) with their pschodelica Reflections. Having conquered her eyebrows, make up now launches a full out attack on Diana's eyeliner, possibly with a can of radiator paint.

And then, more showtunes!


  1. as a wee lad, i would sit, transfixed in front of the television,
    staring at diana. her lips, those teeth. geez, i just did it again.

  2. Ah, the sad trajectory of life for two-thirds of the Supremes: three mics, then two mics, and then, at last, just the requirement that they mime along to an angel chorus backing track, in the recording of which they played no part whatsoever. Frankly, I think it's amazing that Mary isn't more bitter...

  3. "And Flo she don't know, the boy she loves is a Romeo" I have always identified with that line. TB

  4. I danced ONSTAGE with the D in 1980. It was in Wallingford, Connecticut, at the former 'Oakdale Theater'. Her 'Diana' album was just out and about to go big, and she was stuck in a deal to do a regional tour. She asked, through security of course, for volunteers to come up onto the stage to dance with her. My sister and I screamed the loudest, and were chosen.

    1. consider me stricken filthy with jealousy.

    2. Later, we had to polish her shoes. But it was so worth it.

    3. That is wild! Believe it or not, I saw her on that same tour, at the Poplar Creek Music Theater outside Chicago. We all reached out and touched somebody's hand.

    4. Yes, but Im willing to bet that you weren't wearing a red- henna'd perm, with trousers to match. (I have photos)

    5. When I was a kid I saw Giselle McKenizie in the "Sound of Music" at the Oakdale in the 60's.

  5. Oh to remember a time in which ladies wore gloves.

    PS Does it strike anyone else that Miss Ross has the Callista Gingrich hairstyle in 1966 and 1967(or am I getting that backwards)?

  6. You know, some of Miss Ross' googly eye rolls were because her eleventeen sets of false eyelashes were sticking together. All the eyeliner was needed to help disguise that she was essentially wearing half a push broom on each eyelid.

  7. when girls were girls, and diana actually sang a bit. nowadays she just leads a sing-a-long from behind the safety of a giant wig. of course she is still fabulous.

  8. It looks like Diana didn't go through the machine at all....
    She got pushed (or jumped), right off the shelf into the cuisinart!

    I had never done the math before now, kinda like that she thought by wearing big hair & eye wigs, that no one would notice her eyebrows...


In Which We Live It Up

Back when I was a good deal younger than I am now, leading the fabulous existence of an '80s queer in New Orleans, I remember thinking o...