Friday, January 14, 2011


R Man
November 10, 1948 - January 14, 2011

R Man died early this morning. It was very peaceful; I was holding his hand telling him I loved him and he stopped breathing.

When he had my wedding ring engraved, rather than use the dates, he had them inscribe the Latin phrase In saecula saeculorum "Forever and ever."


  1. Gary, I have no words, save for these: One should only be so lucky to forge a life like you did with Randall.

    Sending a hug with all my strength, friendship and admiration. I send best wishes to you and your friends and family during this time.

    Be well.

  2. I'm gutted to hear of your sad loss. I know how you are feeling but take comfort that he was greatly loved by you.

  3. Your love has been an inspiration to me.

  4. A lovely tribute to the love you both shared, all the best

  5. "Forever and ever." So beautiful and loving.

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  6. I am so sorry for your loss.
    But, you must know that he went in the most peaceful way possible,surrouded by love.

  7. What a lucky men you were, I'm sorry for your loss.

  8. May you have peace now, knowing that he is at peace...

  9. Oh, my dear friend, I'm so very, very sorry. The inscription is just beautiful, we have something similar. You are in my thoughts and I hope that Saki will give you a bit of comfort now. RIP R Man, no more pain. xoxoxoxoxo

  10. Very sorry for your loss.

    Although I didn't ever have the pleasure of actually meeting you, I felt your love, spirit and humor each time I stopped by.

    Sincere condolences.

  11. Thank you for letting us all get to know him at least a little bit.
    Love to you.

  12. Gary, Jews believe that during our lives on earth we weave "coats" from the deeds that we undertake during our human existence. The coat shield us from the harsh word we live in and keep us safe and warm.

    When someone we love passes into the "light" that is G*d, They no longer need their earthly coats. Picture Randall's coat, and take whatever you need from it and weave into your own to help you stay warm in your life one earth as he would want to you.

    Please, as the days go forth, let us know what you need from us, and we'll provide it. Our love to you, Stu & E.

  13. Thank you for letting us in during this experience, I'm so sorry about this.

  14. All I can do is agree with what everyone else has said.

    Peace and blessings to you both...forever and ever.

  15. you have so many people who love you both. r man gone from this plane, but never forgotten.

  16. From your postings, we feel we have come to know you as a friend. We offer our deepest condolences. Love, D & G

  17. So sorry about your loss, you are a brave man--may the good memories you both shared fill your days forever and ever.

  18. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUGS))

  19. There are no words for me to give you. I am so profoundly sorry for your loss, buty I am so happy that you had your time together.

    Thank you for being open & sharing your feelings. I wish I was there to hug you.

    You are loved.

  20. I'm so sorry.
    My thoughts are with you, sweetie.

  21. Treasure the memories of your love.

    Thinking of you with affection.

  22. I only discovered your blog this past year, but it has made me smile many times. I initially felt strange about commenting here and offering my condolences, but I now feel that it would be strange not to, having read almost all of your entries over the past day or two. Reading it has affected me more than I ever thought it would. I am sincerely sorry for your loss.

  23. I was at Glide Memorial Church yesterday, and you and R Man came to my mind and my heart. You are in so many prayers. Love you as if I had met you.

  24. When I think of true love -- forget semantics and politics, marriage vs. unions, etc., hetero or homo -- I think of those wonderful b&w photo booth snapshots of you and R-Man from years back. That's a "forever and ever" love if I ever saw one.

  25. I love you, honey. We are all here for you, in our own strange and loving way. xo

  26. Mr. P,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I hope your memories of happier times are a comfort, and that your grief is eased by them. Love from,

    Miss Janey

  27. So very sorry for your loss, mrpeenee.

    Like others, I've been reading through your posts about your treasured R Man. Love is a mystery, a challenge, and a wonder. So glad that you had the truest kind for so many, many years.

    These relationships developed over the intertubes are so odd yet so lovely. A treasured part of each day like Muscato can disappear overnight. One can spend more time relating to a kindred spirit like Thombeau than with some local friends.

    Something real develops amongst all the wry observations and pithy commentary.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that life retains some shards of normalcy. As you enter this next phase of life, I hope the echoes and memories of the former life with such a great love will fill the voids and balm some of the pain.

  28. I'm so sorry Mr. Peenee. Thank you for sharing your love story with us all. I'm thinking of you both.

  29. still thinking about the two of you. please know we care deeply about you both.

  30. I have read you since you started. I Commented and I stopped, but kept coming back. Like many here, I feel like I know you, and loved and laughed with you on very post. That love you *still* share with R Man touched me profoundly, So I just wanted to wish you all the strength, light and peace you might need. Know that in some strange way, you can count on all of us. And remember that "In the end, the love that you take, is equal to the love you make"... So I am positively sure, R Man left this phase/life/world full of love. Many hugs.

  31. Deepest sympathy to you, dear Mr. P. X

  32. Please stop by and say that you are ok....
    I've always been capable and a little nervous about real life...
    If you need something, I will get it for you.

  33. Your always amusing posts helped keep some lightness when it was much needed. Much admiration and respect to you. Be kind to yourself. I am so sorry.


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