Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rhymes with Cough

It's Gay Pride AGAIN? Already?  I can tell because the lovely warm weather we had for the better part of a week has imploded and we are back to the San Francisco norm: chilly and gray and foggy.  As a San Franciscan, that's ok with me (I always feel underdressed without a sweater or two,) but one does feel sorry for the pathetic tourists, foolishly dressed for what they thought was California as they stand around shivering and their bare legs turn blue.  I snuggle into my summer suede coat and think "Sorry, suckers," and hurry past them.  Sad, really.

Tourists were very much on my mind this afternoon hanging around my favorite little cafe, Peet's, trying to read as a table of them loudly debated the correct pronunciation of the local major thoroughfare, Gough Street.  There were several brave cracks at it, including the classics "Goh" and "Gow" and "Joff" and one of them even landed, briefly on the correct "Goff," but was voted down by his fellows.  Again, sad, because I'm sure the snotty cab drivers hereabouts will refuse to take you anywhere you can't pronounce to their satisfaction.

Possible gays, but pretty much what representative of what you can be sure will be in the decided minority come Pride Day.
Sos anyway, I'm preparing to hunker down and ride out the rainbow colored madness of it all. I have some errands on Friday and after that, it's me and the cat home all weekend casue I'm already plenty gay enough, thanks.


  1. Get reports (and photos) if he ventures out. And I noticed you'd been having a heat wave when I wasn't there. Global warming . . .

  2. i'm too old to have pride.

    (why don't i live in your perfect weather?)

  3. You mean you're not letting Saki attend Pride events? How else is he to demonstrate how proud he is of you, his gay staff and worshipper? (Remember, cats don't have owners, they have staff -- and they've never forgotten that the ancient Egyptians once worshipped cats as gods.)

    Seriously, enjoy the weekend whatever (or whoever) you decide to do.

    And get poor Norma another prune juice and vodka to help her get over feeling every Pride celebrant within arm's. . .er, that is, help her get over feeling her age.

  4. Sheesh...why can't you all have easy to pronounce streets, like Calliope?

    1. Melpomene. Erato. and my favorite, Clio, which I actually heard pronounced once as Cee-El-ten.

  5. In Portland, Couch Street is pronounced COOCH Street, which I found highly amusing.

    1. In Edinburgh, we have plenty of tourists. We also have Cockburn Street.

  6. There's Spadina Avenue in Toronto.

    Rhymes with Secret Lady Place.

  7. Cleveland has it's Hough Avenue. Its "Huff", not "Ho"

  8. you don't wish to 'taste the rainbow'? so jaded you have become


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