Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cleaning Tips

Say you wake up in the middle of the night and really, really need to pee. What? These things don't happen to you? You were born under the sign of the Sleeping Camel? Fine, whatev. Say you're mrpeenee and you wake up in the middle of the night and you really, really need to pee. After not stumbling, but rather gliding like a sylph into the bath, you let fly and instead of the reassuring tinkle of water on water, you hear the much more ominous splash of water on wood. Wooden toilet seat, to be precise. And then you remember the cleaning ladies have been here again and they always, always put the lid down.

You remind yourself they do no do this to irritate you (or "piss you off." Heeheehee. Get it? Piss you, oh never mind;) they are doing their job. It is not a rebuke. OK, maybe it's sort of a rebuke. Rebukeish. Do you go back to bed muttering "I gotta clean that up tomorrow..."? CERTAINLY NOT. You get the lovely cucumber scented cleaner and the paper towels and have a brisk round of 4 a.m. floor mopping. Because that is the Right Thing To Do.

I hope we have all learned a valuable lesson from this.


  1. You could probably turn that peeing romp into a means to earn extra income during this troubling economy. Just saying...

  2. I have to say, when I saw your response began with:
    "You get the lovely cucumber...."
    I was a bit afraid.

  3. "If you sprinkle when you tinkle please be neat and wipe the seat!"

  4. If it's yellow, let it mellow.

    If it's brown, flush it down.

  5. I've done this more than once in the middle of the night. So enjoyable.

  6. I learned something.
    I learned that there is a cucmber scented cleaner.

  7. This is one of the Venus/Mars situations: a toilet seat left up is a toilet seat in its right position, I like to say.

  8. when i was just a litle kabuki i was told that only saveages left the seat and/or lid up. Now I don't have to guess - for it is always down and everything is right in the world. or, we could do it your way. putting the 'pee' in 'peenee' HA!

  9. This only confirms why I am not scared to share a bathroom with you on the occasions of my visits.

  10. It's why I always sit down.

  11. Thank you, no. Miss J doesn't do CLEANING and was almost run off from Mr. P's (get it? Mr P???) blog by the very word. It helps that she doesn't piss on her toilet lid.

  12. These saveges are your ancestors too...


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...