Sunday, April 15, 2012

Do-It-Yourself Smut

Before we get to details about the lovely trips to New Orleans and Austin, about which I'm sure you're all waiting breathlessly, mrpeenee has reports of technology triumphs. Specifically, the schmancy new printer I bought and installed this afternoon.

Close readers of this blog will know I like porn. Yes, it's true, muscley mens sporting their bits are one of my all-time faves. Since I am also a dinosaur, rather than computer images, I prefer hard copy at hand (you get it? "Hard copy" "At hand?" Oh, never mind.)
Now that the internet is pretty much the only source for filthy pictures, and what a boon it is, I needed a printer to transfer them to paper. My stupid little HP Ink Splatterer was not cutting the mustard so Secret Agent Fred and I whirled off to one of the big box stores that everyone rails against so shrilly and scored a sweet little Epsom bad boy.

And speaking of big box stores, is there some quaint little mom-and-pop tech provider I could have gone to instead? Don't think so and I live a fairly big town. Anyway.

Then, installation, which I actually like. Meticulously unwrapping the components appeals to my most OCD mental defects and being able to follow directions written for the mentally challenged whose first language is not English and who, in fact, may not even have a first language makes me feel a small step below Stephen Hawking.

And then, et voila, our first effort rolled out effortlessly and perfectly, crisp with brilliant colors. It was a shot shared by Fred we like to call "Daddy Panties."

So now I got to go, cause I have a backlog to mow through, for research archival purposes only, I assure you.


  1. Being an "Owner Operator"... I always enjoy the manual dexterity involved in trying out new gadgets...

    1. We *are* talking about printers here, aren't we?

  2. Ooooo....I'm thinking of all the decoupage possibilities!

    1. You really need to cancel that Martha Stewart subscription. Stat.

  3. Welcome back, but why on earth would one print?

  4. You mean you like porn???? I'm am shocked! And the big muscley mens types, with marble like pecs, strong big arms, ripped abs, bulging thighs, bubble butts and a nice thick naughty bit? Where am i.... and what was I saying????

    1. I like everything from them to the ones who look like they may dabble in the tranny life. I am omnivorous.

  5. I do so miss some fine 8 x 10 glossies....
    I miss porn magazines too!

  6. For foreplay, did you stick the paper tray in? All the way IN? Did you get it seated in there, all nice and tight? Mmmmm, yes, ohhhh... And then did you flip up the deck, move the slider almost all the out and then insert your stack of paper? Did you plunge the slider in and then close the deck so you thick stack of paper was enclosed in the nice paper tray?

  7. What on earth do you do in these modern times for video? For the love of god, don't you dare tell me you have tapes. DON'T!

  8. Porn!! Well honey you just pop on over to my Corner and I'll be more than happy to set you up with some delicious delicacies. Just ask Mistress Maddie, she'll vouch for my credibility. I prefer the digital porn for visual, but truthfully the written word is what really gets this gal going. A dirty kinky erotic novel, or short story, is my favorite way to....occupy myself ;)


In Which We Wrestle with Technology

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