Friday, November 8, 2013

Again, Yo.

Oh darlings, I'm so very sorry to have sort of drifted off like that.  Oops.  First there was my whirlwind tour of the south, then my computer died and then inertia won out once again.  But trust me, my thoughts were never far from you.  Except when I was thinking about snacks.

Austin was terribly amusing since I got to hang out with Diane von Austinburg and eat excellent Mexican food and I found a cock ring in a thrift store.

I visited with my white trash crazy family in Houston all of whom are still white trash, crazy and very amusing.  The less said, the better.

The night I got to New Orleans there was a parade.  Not for me, specifically, but for Halloween, but close enough.  It was the Krewe of Boo.  Is that adorable or what?

I had a lovely hotel.

And I got to visit with Jason from Night is Half Gone who took me out for the biggest banana split I have ever seen, cause the pound and a half of shrimp I had eaten for dinner shortly beforehand was apparently not enough.  He was charming as always.

Oh, and I bought a house.

My plan is to live there during the fall and winter and then flee back here to San Francisco to avoid the miserable heat, cause I have done my time with that bullshit.  It's a block over from my best friend in a terribly cool neighborhood, has a huge yard and seems structurally sound, but shabby, just the thing an elderly poof needs as a hobby.

It's been a rental for the last thirty or forty years, I'm sure we've all seen the equivalent dingy white paint and cheap bathrooms.

I intend to drag its sorry ass into the land of fagulous beauty.  My friend Stephen, who has lots of experience with renovations, is in charge of the remodeling and I've anointed myself as Queen Decorator.  Lots of turquoise.

I'm going back on Saturday for the inspection on Tuesday and unless that turns up a nest of alien invaders in one of the back rooms, I'm set.


  1. oh wow! Yeay!
    It's adorable....and that kitchen is a million times nicer than mine,sadly.

    I was just going to email you to see what had happened!

    1. Thanks, it'll be more adorable when I get through with it.

      I'm going to be back in NOLA for the inspection next week, I'll call you.

  2. Honey, I am so thrilled for you! Did you buy the whole house or just a side? How big is my bedroom? Questions, questions!

    1. I bought the whole thing, it's two mirror image units.

  3. What a great looking house and in New Orleans to boot! Congrats and get to work making it the showpiece of the 'hood.

  4. My goodness - the things you do get up to. Is it too early to note that neither I nor Mr. Muscato have ever visited New Orleans?

    1. DO propose yourself, as Lucia said to Georgie.

  5. how great is this post? this surely
    sounds like you dear are livin' the life!

  6. Oh my - I can see you in your brazen red frock outraging polite society as we speak... Jx

    1. Wasn't Jezebels' plantation called "Halcyon?" That's what I'll name this place.

  7. It's going to be a blast re-doing that little charmer! Congratulations love.

    1. Thanks sweetie. Stephen the renovator assured me "There's nothing wrong that money won't fix," and seemed to feel that was a good thing.

  8. Sweetie, I was beginning to think you'd retired from blogging to concentrate on your new career as a decorator/garden designer. Welcome back!

  9. Congrats on the new purchase darling... I say leave it as it is and before you know it you'll be starring on "Lurid Digs"... no seriously have fun with the reno and makeover...


In Which We Have News from the Cat House

  Two weeks ago when we introduced Toby the cat here, I didn't mention that Toby had originally been Secret Agent Fred 's cat.  He m...