Thursday, December 18, 2014

Everything is Relative

I had just clicked on a blog I'm rather fond of (brutos eros) and run across this charming tableau

when the guy who does my taxes (Taxguy) called to chat about how painful my relations with the IRS were going to be this year.  The whole thing made me wonder about karma and the coincidence of the universe and the similarity between insufficient deductibles and buttplugs.

Also, I think the red bucket lends an ominously festive note, don't you?

Also, here's my crixmus card for all you mischievous miscreants

Thank you wondermark comics


  1. well, in times like these, I guess we should all just remember the poor soul who has to clean every thing up after that scene.
    Karma must be a bitch indeed.

    1. Oh, I don't know. There are probably people who would pay them to be the porn set janitor.

  2. of course, if you don't pull them out
    with your teeth, the bucket's superfluous.

    1. I always use gloves and a pair of pliers. But you never know when a bucket's going to come in handy.

  3. You know, if you were to have a sudden anal spasm, jerking motion, you could knock the black vinyl playsuit taxguy off kilter and on top of the orange safety cone behind him. It would be fitting.

    1. Do you mean it would be appropriate or that it would be the right size? Same thing, I suppose.

  4. We've come a long way since The Ed Sullivan Show.

  5. Maybe it's a frantic effort to save Topo GIGO.

  6. Is the red bucket there to catch the drips? It would be more appropriate if they had a tray there instead like a George Foreman grill, then the drippings could be collected and used for Take The Plunge 2.


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