Saturday, December 9, 2023

In Which We Get Our Hair Did

I did not dye my hair purple.  I dyed it lavender.  It's fun, it's fresh, it's kicky.  This was not some carefully thought out change; a couple weeks ago I was lying in bed, as I am wont, and I suddenly thought that I would like to live life with wisteria colored hair.  There's a place next door to my dear, dear cafe Peet's that specializes in color, so I went online, randomly picked some beautician there, and set up an appointment.  Boom.

The appointment was Thursday, The guy in charge of my new hair was very nice and had an adorable dog he claimed was a "miniature Pinscher," but it just looks like a dachshund with long legs.  Anyway it was easy and fairly pleasant, but St Clairol above, I was there for more than 2 hours, a time commitment I would not normally allot to anything other than porn.

Initially I was sort of disappointed in the color.  It seemed closer to a old lady mauve than the silvery lavender I was hoping for.  Just as a side note, Americans pronounce that color as "maw*ve" but when you're discussing your new hair color, it's more comforting to use the French "mow*ve." 


But things seem to be calming down to much more closer to what I had in mind.  So I'm happy with it. Will I go back to get the color charged up in a month or so?  I'm pretty sure not.  That level of fussiness is just not something I can regularly sign up for.  Plus the guy who was doing the color also trimmed my hair with an air of not being able to restrain himself any longer.  He made a few discreet but loaded comments about my haircut and told me to just come back to him to get it cut.  I admitted to him that my regular haircutter, Jeff, terrifies me and I would never be able to leave.  It's like being in an abusive relationship, except that I sling back as much abuse as I take.  It's complicated.

So very not mauve.

The always charming  Dmitry Averyanov.

David Ciacek.  I don't know why they didn't cast him as Ken in the Barbie movie, he actually looks like a live version of Barbie's boyfriend, but with a really nice package,

See?  Absolute Ken.

My obsession with Grag Stone continues.

Peek-a-boo, I see you.  Jakub Stefano.

I'm not sure who this might be, which seems like rank ingratitude, but in my research, I see a lot of nekkid guys.

I always enjoyed a brisk bout of oral sodomy and as such, I am familiar with this point of view.

British diver, not Tom Daley, but I don't know which one.  It's hard to concentrate on anything but those thighs. 


  1. PPPS My comment originally identified the diver as Jack Laughan, but I think I fucked up the HTML...

  2. Shall I book you for a perm next week?

  3. I like the kicky new "mow"ve!

  4. I grew up pronouncing the word as “mah-ve” but was schooled by an Aussie broad after a particularly delightful drunken lunch in Melbourne back in my younger years. I can still hear her roaring, “‘Mah-ve?’ Surely you boys know it’s ‘mow-ve’!!!” Also notable because she insinuated repeatedly that I was banging my traveling companion. Not that I was not trying. But that messy tease evolved into an evangelical closet case, and we have lost touch.

    1. I love these glimpses into the lives of others we get here in comment land.

  5. thank you so much for IDing the little devil. I should have known you could

  6. Ah, so this is how live-action Boimler will look in a few years time! My curiosity is now sated - thank you, Mr Peenee.

    Perhaps you could get an orchid in a matching shade for your most splendid sideboard?

    1. The sideboard is all full and no longer accepting new applications. Thank you.

  7. It looks nice... but I always have to ask... does the carpet match the drapes?

    1. The carpet is sort of a gray brown tweed and I'm just going to leave it at that.

  8. You have to go to Texas for a family Christmas this year. Think of the sensation you will create with your new do.

    1. I am going no where near Texas for at least a year. I have done my time and I'm on parole.

  9. Does this mean you joined the ranks of Mrs. Betty Slocombe???

  10. Purple rain, purple you know any sex fiends named Nicky?

    (According to the American Kennel Club, there is a breed known as a Miniature Pinscher.)

    Anonymous, too

    1. No way, I thought he was just making that up about the miniature pinscher. Plus he's shortened it to the excessively adorable "mini pinny."


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...