Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Other People's Crap, Now Online!

Darlings, imagine my thrill in discovering thrifting has entered the internet age. Yes, Goodwill now has a site where you can browse other, slightly more sane people’s discards to your heart’s content and bid on said discards. Is this not the best of all possible worlds? Of course, you miss out on that dusty, funky aroma of true junk shops, but on the upside, you get to read the Goodwill employees’ brave attempts at spelling really tough words like “mandala,” “potpourri,” and “cloth.” Go here now and bid on crap you don’t really need but cannot live without. But hands off the “Fine Gold Metal Memo Holder,” bitches. It’s MINE.


  1. I suspect that thrift store shopping is what made you sickly in the first place. You’ve probably reactivated some vintage disease like diphtheria, tuberculosis, polio or rickets. On the upside most are now curable.

    This has been a friendly home health advisory from Nurse April Ames.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cherry Ames: Department Store Nurse.

    April Ames: Truck Stop Nurse.

    You go with your strength.

  4. I see you're well enough to SHOP!

    Will Ship Internationally


  5. Interesting option. But half the fun is actually being inside those places!

  6. I tried to comment on this yesterday, but my mind was reeling so I wasn't able to. Oh. My.

  7. Oh Jesus on heels!! This is way too distracting in the workplace!

  8. sheesh, who do they think I am, a Rockerfeller?

  9. ayem8y-

    I would think he's suffering from an advanced case of chill blaines.

  10. I've got my eye on that Black Forest cuckoo clock it's exquisite.

  11. Days pass...

    Okay, moving right along.


  12. Sweetie, the natives appear to be getting restless.

  13. I'm worried about you Peenee. I hope you haven't become seriously ill? Or worse, overcome with work like I have recently. Please feel better and return to us soon.

  14. Good heavens, this world is a sad sad place without peenee. Trust me, I know.

    I just hope it's not that dreaded Fairy Pig Flu that has him down (on all fours.)

  15. If it is, he'll clearly need a nurse with good Ame.

  16. I'm starting to worry. Just saying.

  17. Oh, that's dangerous. ANd it will totally put everyone on out of business.

  18. Miss J is wondering where the F Mr. P is... She hopes all is well with him.

  19. Even I am getting concerned.

    Can anyone give us an update?


In Which We Revel in Some Domestic Bliss

  This plant is a Purple Shield, it has some Latin name that I am not going to try to spell here.  I always thought they were cool because, ...