Friday, July 18, 2008

I Have No Shame

Why do I blog? So that I can drag out the most humiliating admissions of my life to be shared with you, my dear friends. Case in point: I am looking forward to seeing the movie Mamma Mia. I know, I know, shocking considering the exquisite refinement I ususally exhibit, but true. I have no idea why. Abba's music has always seemed sort of equivalent to Peep's marshmallow chickies, something that's amusing to consider, but not to consume. Still, when the opening chords of Dancing Queen swell up in the theater this weekend, I will be there. If this photo of Christine Baranski in a teal feather pinafore is not enough to explain why, nothing I can say ever would.


  1. This is why we're friends. When I read the review this morning I thought I might not be able to wait until it's available on Netflix. . .

  2. I'll probably see it as well.

    Between mindless jerk-off sessions and being custom-measured for my 2009 couture wardrobe I'll probably have some free time.

  3. Oh, please, It's a must-see. Don't let anyone make you feel ashamed, hon. You're The Peen.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh, I've been forced to keep from seeing before anyone else by my friend Carlos. He's sworn me to not see it until he can get a cadre of gays to make a pilgrimage.
    (secretly, I don't even like Abba that much...shhhh) but I adore Meryl, I like Christine B (whom Carlos likens....albeit a mouse)and Dominic Cooper is are the other older gentlemen.
    Anyway, what was my point in all this? Yeah, that I also have no shame. I'll be seeing it too...especially now that I see that teal pinafore.

  6. You all bring a sentimental tear to an old man's eye. Not mine, mind you, but some old man.

  7. I'm seeing it and I'll make no apologies. Mostly because I didn't even realize any would be necessary.

    When these songs were first popular, I was but a wee sprite, but now it's a rare occasion that I scrub a toilet without ABBA Gold providing the soundtrack.

    I love it that the songs make no sense at all, yet someone managed to cobble them together into a barely coherent storyline and ended up with a smash musical and now a movie starring Meryl Streep.

  8. well, i guess its ok
    so long as you dont actually lik it (or ADMIT to liking it) afterwards

  9. Oh, darling - we listened to it all the way up from DC to where we, blessedly, are now, and enjoyed ever tooth-rotting moment. The idea that Meryl Streep is singing "The Winner Takes it All" (and making it into a kind of Proustian monologue) boggles the mind, in a happy kind of way.

  10. Saw it. Enjoyed it WAY more than I should have. Planning to see it again. Yay for film junk food!


In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...