Saturday, August 11, 2012

Tick Tock Trick

So tonight we move on from "previous friends" to "previous tricks."  Or "men with whom I previously had some brief and probably furtive sexual liaison."   Maybe I'll just stick with "trick."

Lured into the Castro by this afternoon's lovely, lovely weather (warm in the sun, cool in the shade, 60's-ish, lalalalala) I ran across not one, but two guys who used to be on my intime list back in the day and, honey, they was looking ROUGH.  I might refer to them as the Walking Wounded, but the first was only sort of shambling along and the second was just slumped on the sidewalk.  He might have been talking on his Blue Tooth, but since he wasn't wearing one, it seems more likely he was just having a quiet chat with his demons.

I don't think either recognized me; the first since he was distracted by dealing with the open door at Walgreens and the second because he was distracted by being crazy.   Besides, there are lots of men in this fine, fine country of ours who would only recognize me from the top of my thighs to the bottom of my hips.

And before any of you let loose with some supposed humor about what this says about my taste in mens, let me emphasize these connections were light years ago, when these poor guys were both more functional and solidly cuter.  But then again, so was I.

Let me, then, salute all the cute guys who are out there right now.  Here's to ya baby.  And even though I have retired from the lists, I encourage the rest of you to celebrate their beauty by squeezing on it as often and as much as you can.  Because tempus fugit, baby.  Tempus fucking fugit.


  1. Have we ever encountered each other...?

    1. Oh, you know, considering my batting average it's statistically possible. I just assume I've slept everyone younger than George Burns and older than Perez Hilton.

  2. Is Tempus Fucking Fugit your stripper name?

  3. Sometimes when old tricks reappear all worn out and haggard, I'm saddened by the loss of their vitality. Other times I'm secretly gleeful because I know that I'm the succubus that sucked it away.

    1. Leaving scattered about the empty shells of what were once men...

      You really are naughty, M-80.

  4. I'd suspect one of these was M----, but chances of your getting by unrecognized are slim with him.

  5. macular old queen's best friend.

  6. When kabuki leaves them they are but tattered tissues of their former selves. And that is what they deserve for not worshipping totally. Or completely - kabuki is comfortable with both.

  7. Geez...I feel bad now.
    The only thing I ever gave the crazy man outside of Walgreen's was a dollar fifty.

  8. Sweetie darling, if they have not held up as well as you against the ravages of time. . .it means either a.) they were bigger sluts than you; or b.) their luck with men is abominable. Or even c.) both of the above. Pity the fools who did not see that life with Mr. Peenee could be divine!

  9. Usually I take it as a sign from the universe to feel pretty; O so pretty, witty and pretty & bright...


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...