Monday, May 6, 2013

Guns and Kitties

I was absorbed by stumbleupon (much like the various Star Trek characters were absorbed by the Borg.  I swear that site is like crack for web browsing) when in the midst of apparently endless number of sites comprising lists of odd facts (or "facts."  I'm never sure how credible they all are) I stumbled on a page that had downloaded the video shot by a dashboard cam in a cop car that recorded some crazy ass Ohioan who stepped out of his unfashionable car at a traffic stop, turned and starting unloading like 50 bazillion rounds into the cops' car.  You can see it HERE

Amazingly, even after this hail of lead, neither cop was seriously wounded.  The crazyass, on the other hand, wound up just as dead as you might expect some guy standing fully exposed shooting at a couple of cops would be.

Of course, a lifetime of American TV has so inured me to these scenes from various police shows that I was only mildly struck by it, mostly along the lines of "This guy really wanted to be sure he got killed. Thoroughly."
Studying AK 47 marksmanship

Saki, on the other hand, was riveted by it.  He's usually oblivious to whatever is happening on the computer, even when it plays four goddam Smiths songs in a row.  Something about this video, though, got his full attention.

It's possible he's planning something I should worry about.  This is particularly worrisome since he has developed the skill of appearing in my lap without me realizing how he's gotten there.  I'll be leafing along through worthless internet sites and looked down only to discover I have a lapful of cat.  How do these things happen?  If my leg didn't go to sleep and if he could ever refrain from farting (please god,) I'd never even know he was there.

Stealth cats, that's how the world ends.


  1. Too late - they're already in charge. Jx

  2. Secure your food supply @ night and whatever you do, don't leave the arsenic unguarded at any time.

    1. It's like settling down with Hannibal Lecter as your roommate.

  3. Stealth Saki... It has a nice but sadly... odourous ring to it....

    1. As long as I can smell, I will always know where the little sociopath is.

  4. Saki appears to be studying something.
    Be afraid, be very afraid.

    1. I'm telling you, the overthrow is imminent.

  5. What do you mean the overthrow is imminent? Honey, it happened years ago!

  6. Replies
    1. It's impotant not to think about these things.

  7. there has never been a doubt regarding saki's plan for your demise. When of course, but most importantly How? These questions haunt kabuki's restless nights


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...