Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The House That Wouldn't Die

You remember I was trying to buy a house in New Orleans, but the deal went all to hell because the sellers were too greedy?  As I told them to get stuffed, I thought how gratifying it would be to have them come crawling back, the way you fantasize about the cute guy at the bar who rebuffs your very sensible suggestion that he allow you to spooge all over his face.

Imagine my surprise then when that's exactly what happened (the house, not the spooge faced cute boy.)  My realtor there (who I now think of as She Who Must Be Slapped) forwarded me an email from the sellers' agent asking if I'd be interested in trying again.  I should mention that I've been stalking this house online and I had seen it had gone into contract after I dropped out and then that fell through, so I'm assuming bitter experience made my offer look more appealing.

The final deal came out $15,000 more than I had offered, but that's still $37,000 less than they were asking so, yay, I win.  We're supposed to close on Feb. 21, fingers are crossed.

And speaking of my weasely agent, when I called him to say I would accept their offer, he attempted to cover his surprise by saying something like "I'm so glad I reached out to them for you."  Bitch, I saw the email from them, it was entirely their idea.  I realized when I first met him that I would eventually know the urge to hold him face down in a toilet, I just hadn't expected it come about so soon.

New Orleans, it's calling me.


  1. Yay! We have about two weeks left on our joint project and then it goes on the market. I think it will go fast.

    1. The sooner, the better, but thanks again for all your help.

  2. Congrats on the house!
    And smack the realtor for me because, well, I like to smack realtors.

    1. I, too, want to smack this one, not because he's smackable, but because he annoys me so.

  3. What fun! Do let us know when you start taking reservations.

  4. Erm... a friend of mine, who is a multi-tasking actress, wants to know if you'll be taking on any staff in the not too distant future?

    1. I'm afraid you're stuck with your friend for a while. Maybe you could try the SPCA.

  5. mazel tov! hope it all goes glitch free!

    1. Thanks sweetie. Certainly it seems like I've already eaten my share of glitches on this dog.

  6. Woohoo! Slap that agent, slap some fabulousity on that house, and let's have a party!

  7. In that order, plus maybe an extra slap for the agent.

  8. Hey, why waste a good spankin' on a dippy agent?

    It looks, from reading your earlier posts, like you've got quite an adventure on your hands. Old houses can be at once a nightmare and a rewarding challenge; never boring anyway.

    I've been travelling through your blog, a most interesting journey.

    1. Welcome aboard, matey. I'm actually long familiar with your blog, a butt like that is famous.

  9. Replies
    1. I certainly hope so. Wait until you hear about my plans to stage a coup of the West Bank.

  10. Plans, darling, plans to be made!

  11. "Antique" everything by painting it white and put down Armstrong floors. There! Renovations done.


    1. I'll bear your suggestions in mind. Actually, that's what it looks like already,so never mind.


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