Saturday, February 1, 2014

Up a Tree

During a recent spate of homo decorating madness, I had to move a bed and wound up standing its mattress and box springs on end against a wall, with a quilt bunched on top of it.  It was just temporary (I'm sure some of you were wondering if I planned on leaving it as an Art Statement,) but Saki was so thrilled with climbing up on top of it and hiding out in his new little lair, I left it up for several days.

Actually, that is an outright lie.  I was just too lazy and disorganized to finish the project, so the mattress stayed where it was and Saki got to perch up on it to his heart's content.  When I discovered that I didn't have to share my bed with him because he liked being up in the aerie, I thought about making it permanent, but instead decided to buy the little terror a cat tree.

Cat trees, in case you've missed them by paying too much attention to bootleg copies of East Enders, are those shag carpet covered totem pole affairs that feature so prominently in many lesbian decorating schemes.  I did not want a lesbian influenced look here, so I researched the subject and came up with one that seemed like it would be minimally offensive.  Ta dah:

And truly, it's not bad.  Saki, of course, refuses to have anything to do with it.  The two times I put him, firmly, on top of it, he immediately jumped off with an air of combined disgust and wariness, as if he had barely escaped from an assignation attempt.

Naturally, he is much more attracted to the box it came in.  Ingrate.


  1. That's cats for ya!

    PS love the Cat Tree!

    1. I just wish Saki shared your enthusiasm. I've shoved the box into the recycling to punish him.

  2. my four corgis would look cute, each one stuck in a tube.

    1. It is sort of corgi-shaped, like a big sausage.

  3. Have you tried turning it up the other way? Saki might prefer to slouch on it with the dippy curve in top... I wouldn't really know... only having a dog myself... and I'm quite sure "Spot" would claim it as his by sauntering straight up to it and cocking his leg!
    Failing this... one could aways turn it on it's side.. drape it with a houseboy and try out the new spanking chaise...

  4. Tell him that you don't want him anywhere near it, that it's your personal furniture...
    The defiant creature will want it then.

  5. Darling, I can't help but notice that's my bedroom you redecorated. I do hope you're not expecting me to sleep on the cat tree.

    1. You've ruined the surprise. I hope you're happy.

    2. Darling, I'm always happy when seeing you is in my near future.

  6. It does look a bit hard and uninviting. If I was a cat, I wouldn't want to park my arse on it either. Try draping a blanket over the frame and place a pillow on the top, you know how cats like their comforts.

  7. I imagine, when you're not home, he's all over it.


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