Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Return of Diane

After many starts and stops, unfortunate oops and errs, our dear friend Diane vonAustinburg finally will be appearing in the skies over San Francisco Wednesday afternoon and shortly thereafter we all will be tucking into a terribly groovy new restaurant based on a Venetian seafood bar.  It's called Pesce, Secret Agent Fred and I are wild for it, but not as wild as a chance to hang with Diane.

She'll be in town for about a week, we will cook, and beat thrift stores to their knees and in general hang out. Several other friends here have already demanded their share of the Diane-ness so her dance card is filling rapidly.  Her only request is that we hit some art installation at Grace Cathedral where some possibly deranged artist has hung 20 miles of colored ribbon from the ceiling.

Reports as they become available, or as I make them up.  Depends.


  1. Have fun!
    Pull one of those ribbons, see if you get the prize!
    Surely, there are prizes, right?

    1. I think that only plies to churches you go to during Mardi Gras. We could try it and see. Speaking of see, see ya soon.

  2. Welcome Diane! My friend Matthew (who I met in art school over 2 decades ago) tends bar there. How worlds do collide!

  3. We're waiting. Certainly there's enough depravity to recount by this point, no? After the weather we've had here this week, I could use a diversion...

    1. I think "depravity" would come under the "reports as I make them up …" department.


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...