Thursday, March 13, 2014

Photographic Proof

I am so bad about not taking pictures that when I got back from New Orleans, I simply assumed I had none.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered some aliens had apparently been snapping away on my behalf.  Herewith, Mardi Gras 2014:

Asian Magnolias exploded into bloom right after we got there, a botanical "Hey gurl, welcome back"

Two views of the patio of our charming, charming French quarter hotel

Magda and the author planning something or the other.

Magda sucking down a delicacy known as a Frozen Irish Coffee which turned out to be deadly poison and laid the poor  thing to waste for days

The coldest fucking parades I have ever stuck it out through, bolstered as I was  by my sistahs in crime,  from left, Secret Agent Fred, Sister Mary Feet in the Air, Magda, and the author, dressed as Roz Russell in The Women.  Please note the staggering amount of beads all caught in mid air.  We scorned any that had landed on the filthy sloppy ground.  Friends referred to us as "Bead Whore," but they were just jealous.  Sad, really.
The Haul back in our room.  We had planned to hurl our largesse to the clamoring crowds below on Mardi Gras day from our balcony, but the fucking freezing cold rain eliminate that plan, so we just abandoned our riches when we left. I felt like some Russian white countess kissing off the family jewels as she scampered out of town ahead of the Bolshies.

My new house, plain, echoing, smelly (goddam hobo tenants,) and LOOOONG.  Forgetting something in one of the front rooms when you're in the back makes you seriously consider roller-skates.


  1. Love the photo of the "LGBT Mr T Appreciation Society"... Jx

    1. Oh, That T thing is such a light weight compared to us.

  2. Looks cozy, but will Saki approve...?

  3. Love the pictures of the house, I can see fantastic on the horizon.

  4. I feel as though I too, have been to Mardi Gras.

  5. yes, your house is long, but what a
    fucking entrance you'll be able to make.

  6. That picture of you and Magda is the best!!! I've seen that look on your face and know it means trouble.

  7. I'm disappointed... but then i did read the post title as "Pornographic Proof".
    Looks like much fun was had by all!
    Your new house looks delightful... You've gone all minimalist with the decore... I'm loving it!

  8. I'm already decorating it in my mind! :)

  9. Monsters have the most interesting lives, my stars! What joy in this post. So happy for you, honey!

    1. I think monsters are so innnnnnnnnnnterestin.

  10. FABULOUS! So excited for you!

    And by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!



In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...