Thursday, September 5, 2024

In Which Flights of Angels, Baby, Flights of Angels


When an old friend dies, they take with them all the shared vocabulary and jokes you had.  Secret Agent Fred died Wednesday afternoon.  We had almost 30 years of dumb, inside wisecracks that no one else would have found particularly amusing, but which meant a lot to our tiny little brains.  Now I will no longer be able to say to anyone, "zip your clam."  Well, I suppose I could say it, but the charm of it would be missing.

I don't think I ever knew anyone as capable of living life on his own terms as Fred was.   He was funny and charming and I will miss him.  Zip your clam, bitch.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks sweetie. It has been a very rough summer and I am mostly glad it is finally all over.

  2. Oh, lordy! My heart goes out to you, Peenee.

    RIP, Secret Agent Fred. Jx

  3. You have my heart, sweetpea. xoxo

  4. I am so sorry to hear of Fred’s death. To lose such a close friend is very painful. There isn’t the time left to develop that kind of relationship again. I know the feeling very well.

    You once said you would write about your relationship with him. I wish you would.

    1. I remember saying that, I promise I will, but just not now.

  5. My deepest condolences for your loss... I know the feeling... it never goes away but eventually gets easier to deal with... BozB

  6. I'm sorry to read this. Much love to you.

  7. This is sad news. I'm sorry for your loss.
    Anonymous, too

  8. Oh Peenee......Im so sorry to hear of this. I always enjoyed reading about your banter with Fred. And close friends like him don't just come along all the time and friendships ladting so long.I know you will treasure your memories. My condolences to you dear.

  9. Oh, peenee - I'm sorry. What a blow.

    You bring up a good point with the shared vocabulary thing. I'd never really properly thought about the silly conversations I used to have with SP even though I sometimes find myself saying some of our made up words to Bitey.
    Perhaps Octavia and Toby will be mildly receptive to an occasional "zip your clam!"?


  10. Been seeing Fred's name here forever, I can't imagine.

    We get to a certain age and loss is everywhere. I am so, so sorry.

  11. I’m so so sorry, Mr P.
    I’d gotten the news from a gofundme update
    He was a sweetheart


In Which We Live It Up

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